Biden's Media Tirade: Hypocrisy and Double Standards Exposed

  • Prof. Frankie Glover II
  • May 6, 2024 08:02pm
  • 322

President Biden's mockery of the press at the White House Correspondents' Dinner has drawn fire for its hypocrisy, given his own lack of accessibility and engagement with independent journalists.

Biden's Media Tirade: Hypocrisy and Double Standards Exposed

President Biden's recent criticism of the media at the White House Correspondents' Dinner has sparked widespread backlash, highlighting his own shortcomings in media access and accountability. While Biden has accused the press of failing to "rise up to the seriousness of the moment," his actions have contradicted his rhetoric.

Observers have pointed out that Biden is the least accessible president in modern history, having conducted only three press conferences in the past 16 months. In contrast, his predecessor, Donald Trump, held 35 solo press conferences during his final year in office.

Biden's Media Tirade: Hypocrisy and Double Standards Exposed

Biden's preference for "softball" interviews with friendly hosts like Howard Stern has further undermined his credibility. Stern, a former anti-establishment figure, has repeatedly praised Biden and avoided challenging his policies.

A recent statement by The New York Times blasted Biden for his unprecedented avoidance of questions from independent journalists. The Times noted that Biden has granted far fewer press conferences and sit-down interviews than virtually all of his predecessors, a move that raises concerns about the role of the free press in a democracy.

Biden's Media Tirade: Hypocrisy and Double Standards Exposed

Some media critics have accused Biden of hypocrisy and double standards. Joe Concha, a Fox News contributor, pointed out that Biden's criticisms of the media come at a time when he "will continue to do interviews with the Howard Sterns and Jason Batemans of the world, but won't go near any interview with anyone resembling a serious journalist."

Curtis Houck, managing editor of NewsBusters, echoed this sentiment, arguing that Biden should "practice what he preaches" and increase his accountability to the press. He noted that "if democracy is on the line like Biden claims, then he should be facing the cameras, talking about the issues, and having his policies tested."

Biden's Media Tirade: Hypocrisy and Double Standards Exposed

Despite Biden's accusations, mainstream and liberal outlets have published extensive coverage raising concerns about the potential dangers of a second Trump term. Politico media writer Jack Shafer dismissed Biden's "false choice" argument, pointing to numerous pieces in outlets like The Atlantic and The New York Times that have sounded the alarm.

Biden's recent interviews with local news outlets and friendly allies have raised eyebrows, with critics questioning his selective media engagement. His interviews with Seth Meyers, Evan Osnos, and Jonathan Capehart have all been seen as lacking in substance and accountability.

The contrast between Biden's rhetoric and actions has drawn scrutiny and criticism. While he demands that the media "rise up to the seriousness of the moment," he simultaneously evades tough questions and embraces interviews with hosts unlikely to challenge his policies. This hypocrisy has exposed the double standards that permeate Biden's media strategy.

As the 2024 election approaches, Biden's lack of media accessibility and accountability will likely continue to be a source of concern. Critics argue that a president who claims to value democracy should be willing to engage in open and honest dialogue with the press, rather than resorting to selective media engagement and avoiding scrutiny.

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