Biden's Political Trouble Behind Campus Anti-Israel Address, Says Ingraham

  • Adelia Schuppe
  • May 3, 2024 05:02am
  • 105

Fox News' Laura Ingraham claims President Biden's speech condemning anti-Israel protests on college campuses was out of political necessity, not genuine concern.

Biden's Political Trouble Behind Campus Anti-Israel Address, Says Ingraham

In her opening monologue on "The Ingraham Angle," Fox News host Laura Ingraham expressed her belief that President Biden's recent speech denouncing anti-Israel protests on college campuses was driven by his mounting political difficulties.

"It's a good rule of thumb that whenever the White House staff rushes Joe Biden out to address the nation, it can only mean one thing: He's in big political trouble," Ingraham stated.

Biden's Political Trouble Behind Campus Anti-Israel Address, Says Ingraham

Ingraham's remarks come as tensions escalate on several campuses over pro-Palestinian demonstrations and calls to boycott, divest, and sanction Israel (BDS). At UCLA, a violent clash between protesters and law enforcement led to the dismantling of an encampment set up by pro-Palestine protesters.

Ingraham argued that Biden's speech was a calculated attempt to appease both his activist base and moderate voters who may be alienated by the anti-Israel rhetoric and violence.

"For Biden, coming out too strongly against these creatures, it could hurt him against his activist base," Ingraham said. "But if he stayed silent too long, he'd lose even more voters, in what I like to call normal America."

Ingraham criticized the Democratic Party for its perceived ambivalence on the issue, torn between the demands of its progressive wing and the need to secure broader electoral support.

She pointed to the escalation of harassment and threats against Jewish students and the disruption of academic activities as evidence of the growing crisis on campuses.

"It's not rednecks or Mississippi. It's not MAGA people. It's the leftists. Period," Ingraham declared.

Ingraham accused Biden of indifference to the welfare of Jewish students and law enforcement, arguing that his speech lacked genuine passion and conviction.

"If he cared about any of those things, he would have spoken out unequivocally, far earlier than he did, and with real passion, with real conviction," she said.

Ingraham closed her monologue by questioning Biden's ability to address the escalating tensions and restore tranquility to college campuses.

"Will Biden stand up to the bullies? Will he protect Jewish students? Will he restore order and free speech on our college campuses? I'm not holding my breath," she concluded.

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