Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

  • Alfreda Kihn
  • July 18, 2024 10:04am
  • 265

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld comments on growing calls for President Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race due to concerns about his declining cognitive abilities and shrinking circle of advisors.

According to the New York Times, President Biden has increasingly isolated himself from reality and is no longer actively consulting with his advisors or staff. This seclusion has raised concerns about his ability to lead the country effectively and has prompted calls for him to withdraw from the upcoming presidential race.

Biden's inner circle has reportedly dwindled to a small group of loyalists, including his son and wife. This lack of outside perspective has left Biden susceptible to making inaccurate statements and decisions. For example, he recently falsely claimed that the George Floyd riots were peaceful protests, despite widespread evidence of violence and destruction.

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

The president's declining cognitive abilities have also manifested in bizarre behavior, such as attempting to answer a banana as a phone. His deteriorating mental state has prompted some to question whether he is still capable of serving in office.

In response to these concerns, Biden has launched an attack on the Supreme Court, proposing term limits for judges. This move is seen as an attempt to deflect attention from his own failures and cast himself as a victim of a corrupt judiciary. However, the proposal is unlikely to pass through Congress, further highlighting Biden's isolation and lack of influence.

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

Biden's isolation has also led him to rely heavily on race-baiting as a political strategy. He has consistently exaggerated the extent of racial injustice in the United States and has repeatedly made false and inflammatory statements about race relations. This rhetoric has further divided the country and undermined his credibility.

In a recent disastrous Zoom call with congressional Democrats, Biden lashed out at a veteran recipient of the Bronze Star, comparing his own son's death to the congressman's military service. This outburst further underscored Biden's unfitness for office and the growing anger among Democrats over his leadership.

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

The mounting evidence of Biden's senility and his escalating isolation and attacks on the Supreme Court and the Democratic Party have fueled speculation that he may withdraw from the 2024 race or even be replaced as president prior to the election. His upcoming debate with former President Donald Trump on September 10th could be a pivotal moment in his political career, as his performance will be closely scrutinized for signs of mental decline.

The deteriorating health and judgment of President Biden have become deeply concerning to many Americans. His isolation and reliance on a shrinking circle of loyalists have led to poor decision-making and a loss of touch with reality. As his presidency unravels, the question remains whether Biden will be able to hold on until the end of his term or whether he will succumb to the growing pressure for him to step down.

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

Biden's Senility: The World Notices and Joe Retreats

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