Biden's Support for Israel Sparks Outrage Within Administration

  • Elliott Hintz
  • June 1, 2024 12:04am
  • 305

Former Biden administration officials have resigned in protest over the administration's support for Israel amid the escalating conflict in Gaza, citing widespread dissatisfaction among government employees with the administration's foreign policy.

Biden's Support for Israel Sparks Outrage Within Administration

Amidst the ongoing conflict in Gaza, two former Biden administration officials have spoken out about widespread dissatisfaction within the government with the president's support for Israel. Tariq Habash, a former Biden political appointee, described the situation as a "dam breaking," with growing numbers of government employees voicing their disapproval through appropriate channels.

Habash pointed to the administration's continued supply of weapons and financing to Israel, which he argued has fueled violence against innocent Palestinian civilians. "People are realizing that no matter what they do or say, their voice isn't being heard," he said.

Biden's Support for Israel Sparks Outrage Within Administration

Lily Greenberg Call, a Jewish activist who also resigned from the Biden administration over its Gaza policy, echoed Habash's sentiments. She described a culture of silence within government agencies, with employees reluctant to speak out for fear of retaliation.

Despite these concerns, Habash and Call emphasized that there are numerous individuals within the administration who share their views. "Every single person that I know thinks the same way as us," Call said. "Whether or not they have felt empowered to make that public is a different thing."

Biden's Support for Israel Sparks Outrage Within Administration

Habash estimates that dozens of individuals from various agencies have already resigned due to dissatisfaction with the administration's foreign policy. "They're coming from all over," he said. "There are people who've left from the White House, there are people who've left from agencies that are working directly on this and not working on this at all."

The resignations and outspoken criticism have sparked international attention, highlighting the growing backlash against the administration's unwavering support for Israel. Habash and Call have called on the administration to reconsider its policy, arguing that it is disastrous and violates U.S. law.

Biden's Support for Israel Sparks Outrage Within Administration

"Tanks rolling into west Rafah, people burning alive in their tents, I don't see how that is not an invasion," Call said. "I don't see how massacring 45 civilians is not an invasion.... It's U.S. weapons that are used to massacre innocent Palestinian civilians."

The escalating conflict in Gaza has sparked widespread condemnation and calls for an immediate ceasefire. The international community has expressed deep concern over the humanitarian crisis unfolding in the region, with thousands of civilians killed or injured.

The Biden administration has faced mounting pressure to take a more proactive role in addressing the conflict and ensuring the protection of civilians. Habash and Call have urged the administration to prioritize human rights and international law, and to work towards a just and lasting solution for both Israelis and Palestinians.

As the conflict continues, the resignations and public statements of former Biden administration officials have brought to light the deep divisions within the government over its foreign policy. The widespread dissatisfaction among government employees highlights the growing pressure on the administration to reassess its approach to the Middle East and to prioritize the protection of innocent civilians.

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