Biden's War on Political Enemies: Using Legal Proxies to Convict Trump

  • Ezequiel Ledner
  • June 4, 2024 12:03pm
  • 253

Vice President Kamala Harris's claims that Donald Trump would weaponize the Department of Justice are ironic, given the Biden administration's relentless pursuit of Trump and his allies. From politically-motivated charges to contempt of Congress sentences, the Justice Department has ruthlessly targeted conservatives and those who challenge the Biden agenda.

Biden's War on Political Enemies: Using Legal Proxies to Convict Trump

Vice President Kamala Harris recently raised concerns that Donald Trump would "weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies" if elected. This accusation is both ironic and deeply hypocritical, considering the Biden-Harris administration's relentless pursuit of Trump and his allies over the past three years.

The Department of Justice, under the guise of protecting democracy, has become an instrument of partisan retribution. The four flimsy cases brought against Trump, culminating in his conviction on dubious charges, are a testament to the political nature of this prosecution. Similarly, the pursuit and sentence of Trump allies like Peter Navarro, Roger Stone, and Steve Bannon have sent a clear message to anyone who dares to oppose the Biden agenda.

Biden's War on Political Enemies: Using Legal Proxies to Convict Trump

The Justice Department's outsized focus on Trump and his associates stands in stark contrast to the leniency shown to repeat violent offenders. It also ignores the lack of consequences for similar offenses committed by members of the Biden administration.

To further solidify their grip on power, the Department of Justice has expanded its reach into other areas of society. Attorney General Merrick Garland's directive against "domestic terrorism" has been used to target parents who protested COVID-19 rules at their children's schools. The department has also come under fire for allegedly spying on traditional Catholics, labeling them potential domestic terrorists.

Biden's War on Political Enemies: Using Legal Proxies to Convict Trump

The recent sentencing of 75-year-old Paulette Harlow for blocking access to an abortion clinic highlights the Justice Department's double standards. While pro-life advocates face jail time, perpetrators of violent attacks against pregnancy resource centers and Catholic churches have faced limited prosecution.

The Biden administration's relentless pursuit of Trump and their political opponents has created a deep divide in American society. Millions of voters believe that there are indeed two systems of justice, one for the powerful and one for everyone else.

Biden's War on Political Enemies: Using Legal Proxies to Convict Trump

The case of Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee's fraudulent use of the Steele Dossier serves as a prime example. Despite finding "probable cause to believe" that the Clinton campaign and DNC concealed payments to conduct opposition research on Trump, neither Clinton nor any of the individuals involved faced criminal charges.

Similarly, the Justice Department's decision to charge Trump for mishandling secret documents while allowing Joe Biden, who also possessed classified materials, to escape prosecution due to his age and "diminished faculties" undermines the rule of law. The timing of Garland's concealment of Biden's wrongdoing, just six days before the midterm elections, raises further suspicions of election interference.

Trump's recent statement that the Biden administration is "after you" rings true. The relentless persecution of Trump and his supporters is a clear signal that the Biden administration is willing to use the power of the state to silence its political opponents and maintain its grip on power.

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