Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

  • Gideon Jacobi
  • July 22, 2024 01:03pm
  • 109

Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race is a glaring admission of his declining mental and physical state, which was concealed for too long by a complicit media.

Joe Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday is a resounding affirmation of what has been evident for years: his unsuitability for the rigors of the presidency. Months of blatant media deception and the gullibility of American voters have been shattered by Biden's own acknowledgment of his incapacity.

For years, the liberal media has engaged in a shameful charade, shielding Biden from scrutiny and painting him as a figure of cognitive prowess. The American people watched with dismay as his mental decline became increasingly apparent, especially after the disastrous debate performance. Yet, the media continued to gaslight the public, brushing off concerns as partisan attacks.

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

Biden's withdrawal is a belated confession of the truth that his opponents and even members of his own party have been voicing persistently – he is unfit for another term in office. The media's complicity in this charade must not be forgotten or forgiven. They must be held accountable for misleading the public and enabling a president who clearly lacks the capacity to lead.

Equally culpable are the courtiers and aides who prioritized their own interests over the well-being of the country. Jill and Hunter Biden, who have been accused of exploiting their father's position for personal gain, must be investigated thoroughly.

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

Moreover, the Democratic power structure that orchestrated a coup against a sitting president must face consequences. They have invalidated the party's primary system, robbing voters of their right to choose their nominee through fair elections. The open convention will allow a select few elites to impose their will upon the majority.

Amid all this mockery, some still dare to allege that President Trump poses a threat to democracy. A cursory examination of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party's handling of the 2024 nomination reveals the true nature of the threat to our democratic republic.

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

Biden's Withdrawal: A Laughable Farce Exposed by Media Complicity

If Biden is unfit to be a candidate, how can he possibly preside effectively? The 25th Amendment has never been invoked in our nation's history, but it may be time to consider its application in the present case.

The Democrats' elevation of Kamala Harris as Biden's successor is a testament to their disconnect from the concerns of the American people. Harris, who has been in charge of the border crisis since 2021, has presided over a humanitarian catastrophe that has fueled widespread voter dissatisfaction.

A senile and incompetent president who has deemed himself unqualified to run has endorsed an equally incompetent and unfit vice president to take his place. This administration has demonstrated time and again that it is utterly incapable of governing.

As Reagan famously asked, are we better off today than we were four years ago? Biden has candidly answered that question for himself – no.

America deserves a real president, not a shell of a man propped up by a partisan media. Biden is not that president, and neither is Harris. Fortunately, we have a better option on the ballot. The time has come to restore sanity and competence to the Oval Office.

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