Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

  • Wendell Dibbert
  • June 27, 2024 04:04pm
  • 366

Comedian Bill Maher has criticized the left for their "woke" ideas, which he believes have helped former President Trump's popularity. Maher said that the left is "aggressively anti-common sense" and that their ideas are "stupid."

Comedian Bill Maher has criticized the left for their "woke" ideas, which he believes have helped former President Trump's popularity. Maher said that the Democrats keep running on the idea that Trump is the worst president ever, but that voters keep saying, "Yes, we can" do worse.

Maher said that his friends complain to him about their "uber woke" kids who are in their 20s and who are driving their parents crazy. He said that these kids are advocating for ideas such as abolishing the police, tearing down statues of Lincoln, and getting rid of capitalism.

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Maher said that he doesn't understand why these ideas are considered progressive. He said that they are actually "stupid" and that they are driving people away from the left.

Maher also said that conservatives tell him that they don't like Trump, but that they hate the left's ideas even more. He said that he doesn't blame them because the left's ideas are "closer to their own home."

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Maher said that the left needs to own up to its role in Trump's popularity. He said that the left's "woke" ideas are alienating voters and that the Democrats need to start running on ideas that appeal to common sense.

Maher's comments come as the Democrats are preparing for the 2020 presidential election. The Democrats are hoping to retake the White House from Trump, but they face an uphill battle. Trump is a popular figure among Republicans, and the Democrats are struggling to find a candidate who can defeat him.

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Bill Maher Blames 'Woke' Left for Trump's Popularity

Maher's comments could be seen as a warning to the Democrats. He is telling them that they need to change their message if they want to win back the White House. The Democrats need to start running on ideas that appeal to common sense and that will resonate with voters.

Maher is a well-known comedian and political commentator. He is the host of the HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher." Maher is known for his sharp wit and his willingness to speak his mind. He is often critical of both the left and the right.

Maher's comments have sparked a lot of debate. Some people agree with him, while others disagree. However, there is no doubt that Maher's comments are worth considering. The Democrats need to listen to what he has to say if they want to win back the White House.

In addition to the above, here are some additional points that Maher made in his interview:

* He said that the left is "too focused on identity politics."

* He said that the left is "out of touch with the concerns of working-class voters."

* He said that the left needs to "start listening to people who disagree with them."

Maher's comments are a reminder that the left needs to be careful not to alienate voters. The Democrats need to find a way to message their policies in a way that appeals to a broad range of voters. If they can do that, they will have a better chance of winning back the White House in 2020.

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