Bill Maher Rips Critics as 'Stupid' for Accusing Him of 'Turning'

  • Stephon Fritsch
  • May 29, 2024 01:04am
  • 326

Bill Maher has fired back at critics who have accused him of changing his views, arguing that it is the left that has shifted and that he will continue to call it out.

Bill Maher Rips Critics as 'Stupid' for Accusing Him of 'Turning'

In a recent episode of his "Club Random" podcast, Bill Maher engaged in a heated debate with Jewish actress and comedian Sandra Bernhard over the origins of the current rise in antisemitism in the United States. Bernhard argued that the phenomenon was primarily driven by the right, while Maher countered that it stemmed from the left-wing obsession with race and identity politics.

Maher began by acknowledging Bernhard's perspective but emphasized that there was a significant surge in antisemitism in the country, which he attributed to the right-wing's "Jews will not replace us" rhetoric. However, he then asserted that the left-wing was even more culpable for fueling anti-Jewish hate, particularly on college campuses.

Bill Maher Rips Critics as 'Stupid' for Accusing Him of 'Turning'

According to Maher, the left's preoccupation with racial lenses and the portrayal of everything in terms of colonizers and racists has led to a distorted view of history and a simplistic understanding of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He pointed out that the portrayal of Israelis as colonizers and the Palestinians as oppressed victims was a gross oversimplification of the complex geopolitical situation.

Bernhard challenged Maher's assertion, arguing that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was a significant contributor to global mistrust and should be removed from office. Maher responded by downplaying Netanyahu's role and instead shifting the blame to the Palestinian people and the religion of Islam.

Bill Maher Rips Critics as 'Stupid' for Accusing Him of 'Turning'

The discussion then shifted to the role of Hamas, with Maher accusing the terrorist group of using aid money to purchase weapons and build tunnels rather than improving the lives of Palestinians. Bernhard expressed confusion over Maher's point, prompting him to reiterate that Hamas bore the primary responsibility for the current situation in Gaza.

Maher acknowledged that Netanyahu may have supported Hamas for strategic reasons in the past, but he emphasized that the Israeli leader was not working against the interests of his people. He also dismissed the notion that Netanyahu was solely motivated by self-interest and predicted that he would soon be out of office.

Bill Maher Rips Critics as 'Stupid' for Accusing Him of 'Turning'

Maher's comments have drawn criticism from some on the left, who accuse him of misrepresenting their views and downplaying the role of right-wing extremism in antisemitism. However, Maher has maintained that he is simply speaking out against the excesses of the left and that he will continue to do so.

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