Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

  • Evan Haley
  • July 20, 2024 11:04pm
  • 202

HBO host Bill Maher has denounced Trump supporters who believe that God protected the former president from assassination, warning that such thinking is dangerous and could lead to the creation of a "demigod."

Bill Maher has vehemently criticized religious Trump supporters who attribute the former president's survival of a recent assassination attempt to divine intervention, arguing that such thinking borders on idolatry.

In the closing monologue of his HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher," Maher mocked those who have claimed that God spared Trump from harm, accusing them of magical thinking.

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

"Enough is enough with interpreting every event as a DM [direct message] from heaven," Maher said. "America doesn't need a demigod."

Maher condemned the assassination attempt at the beginning of his show, stating that everyone should be outraged by such a heinous act, regardless of their political beliefs. However, he expressed outrage at the Secret Service's apparent failure to prevent the incident, questioning how a gunman with a sniper rifle and a range finder could have bypassed security.

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

However, Maher directed his harshest criticism towards Trump supporters who have characterized the assassination attempt as a miraculous event. He cited quotes from conservatives and pro-Trump influencers who claimed that God protected the former president, including one from Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La., himself a victim of an assassination attempt in 2017.

Scalise had stated that "the hand of God was there too" on the day of Trump's assassination attempt. Maher mocked God's apparent inconsistency, pointing out that Scalise was shot and injured, while Trump miraculously escaped unharmed.

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

Bill Maher Slams Religious Trump Supporters for Deifying Him After Assassination Attempt

"Steve was also shot, but God was having an off day. And that bullet missed his ear and went into his spleen," Maher quipped.

He warned Trump supporters not to elevate the former president to the status of a demigod. "From the pharaohs to Julius Caesar, to Hirohito, many cultures have tried it – the earthly being who is simultaneously divine or god-ish. And it never turns out well," he said.

Maher also criticized religious people who claim to see signs from God in everything, even in mundane inanimate objects. "There's a kind of person in this world who loves to see signs in everything, never asking why – if God has something to communicate to us – he doesn't just f------ say it. He's God for God's sakes. Why show up in a flapjack, or a frying pan, or a Walmart receipt?" he asked.

Maher's comments come at a time when religious rhetoric is increasingly being used to justify political agendas. He has emerged as a vocal critic of those who use religion to promote their own personal or political interests, warning that such behavior can undermine the separation of church and state and lead to dangerous consequences.

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