Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

  • Ms. Meda Rowe MD
  • June 26, 2024 08:03am
  • 266

Billy Ray Cyrus is accusing his estranged wife, Firerose, of being "physically," "verbally and emotionally" abusive during their seven-month marriage.

Country music star Billy Ray Cyrus is countering his estranged wife's accusations of abuse by claiming that she was the perpetrator of domestic violence during their brief marriage.

In a new court filing obtained by Fox News Digital, Cyrus denies Firerose's allegations and asserts that she was the one who "has been abused," both "verbally and emotionally by the Defendant, but PHYSICALLY abused by Defendant."

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Cyrus's filing comes in response to Firerose's counter-suit, which claimed that Cyrus was verbally, emotionally, and psychologically abusive towards her.

The "Achy Breaky Heart" singer vehemently denies all of Firerose's accusations and has provided evidence to support his claims.

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Cyrus's filing includes a screenshot of an alleged text message from Firerose where she apologizes for an undisclosed reason, writing, "I am so sorry" and "please give me a chance to make this right. I can explain everything but I need you on my side."

Also included was a handwritten note that Firerose allegedly left at their home after Cyrus filed to end their marriage, asking him to take her back. The note said in part: "I need you. I love you. I am so sorry."

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Cyrus claims that he only found out that Hodges wasn't Firerose's "maiden name" after they were married, accusing her of lying to him in order to marry him.

In the annulment filing, Cyrus's team said that Firerose only married him "with the sole intention of inducing Plaintiff into a marriage to obtain the name ‘Cyrus’ under the belief it would help her fledgling music career."

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

In Monday's filing, Cyrus added that he believes there are "additional things in her background that she is hiding from him," and claimed that she threatened to tell people that he decided to divorce her because he was going to get a double mastectomy, which he denied.

Scott Adkins, Cyrus's personal manager, signed an affidavit in the filing, attesting that he had witnessed Firerose abuse Cyrus.

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

Billy Ray Cyrus Claims Estranged Wife Was Physically, Verbally, and Emotionally Abusive

"During my time of representing both Mr. Cyrus and Firerose, I have personally witnessed Firerose speak disrespectfully and acting out of control towards Mr. Cyrus," Adkins wrote.

Cyrus has expressed disbelief over Firerose's accusations, calling them "mindboggling" and dismissing her "expectation" that they would ever perform together again or be "involved in any way professionally" in the future as "comical."

Fox News Digital has reached out to both Cyrus and Firerose for comment.

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