Bipartisan Push to Elevate FEMA to Cabinet Level Amid Approaching Hurricane Season

  • Santiago DuBuque
  • June 11, 2024 02:03am
  • 380

Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) and Garret Graves (R-La.) are leading a bipartisan effort to unchain FEMA from the Department of Homeland Security, arguing that the current structure bogs down disaster response efforts.

Bipartisan Push to Elevate FEMA to Cabinet Level Amid Approaching Hurricane Season

As the United States braces for an intense hurricane season, lawmakers from both sides of the aisle are pushing for a significant change in the federal government's disaster management infrastructure. Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.) and Garret Graves (R-La.) have introduced a bill aimed at elevating the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to a Cabinet-level position.

Currently, FEMA operates under the jurisdiction of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), a placement that was made following the September 11, 2001 attacks. However, Moskowitz and Graves argue that this structure has led to inefficiencies and delays in disaster response.

Bipartisan Push to Elevate FEMA to Cabinet Level Amid Approaching Hurricane Season

"Look, Homeland Security is becoming a little more partisan in the eyes of Congress…I’ve got to make sure that disaster management doesn't become partisan. Disasters don't strike Democrats or Republicans. It strikes everybody, it strikes Americans," Moskowitz said.

Graves echoed Moskowitz's concerns, stating that "DHS can't even handle the border" and that it should not be involved in disaster preparation and response.

Bipartisan Push to Elevate FEMA to Cabinet Level Amid Approaching Hurricane Season

The lawmakers emphasized the urgency of this action, given the NOAA's prediction of an "above-normal" Atlantic hurricane season this year. They highlighted the increasing frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, including flooding, saltwater intrusion, and more powerful hurricanes, which are all linked to climate change.

"FEMA is going to be busy, right? And they're going to continue to get busier. And I just think in order for FEMA to get better…they can't do that so long as they're in Homeland Security," Moskowitz said.

Bipartisan Push to Elevate FEMA to Cabinet Level Amid Approaching Hurricane Season

Graves pointed to the backlog of hundreds of millions of dollars in disaster relief claims due to FEMA's placement under DHS. These delays further burden communities recovering from disasters.

"We have hundreds of millions – and probably billions of dollars – in outstanding claims with FEMA right now from a 2016 flood that happened in South Louisiana. Hurricane Ida, Hurricanes…Delta, Zeta, storms that happened earlier this decade – all of them have billions of dollars in outstanding claims," Graves said.

"This really is just an agency that has gotten bogged down in bureaucracy. And when you think about the needs of a community in the aftermath of a disaster, people have gone through these traumatic experiences. In some cases, they've lost everything. The last thing in the world we need is our own government re-victimizing them."

The bill proposed by Moskowitz and Graves would make FEMA an independent agency reporting directly to the President. This would streamline disaster response efforts and reduce the bureaucratic red tape that currently hinders FEMA's ability to provide timely assistance to disaster-affected communities.

The initiative has garnered bipartisan support, signaling a willingness among lawmakers to prioritize disaster preparedness and response. The House leadership is expected to consider the bill in the near future, in anticipation of the upcoming hurricane season. By elevating FEMA to a Cabinet-level position, the United States can improve its disaster response capabilities and ensure that communities receive the support they need in times of crisis.

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