Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

  • Pat Jakubowski
  • June 14, 2024 11:04am
  • 198

A border patrol agent has spoken out about the pressure they face to allow illegal border crossings, claiming that they risk losing their job if they refuse. The agent's comments come amid growing concerns about the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis, with critics accusing the president of failing to adequately address the issue.

A border patrol agent has alleged that they are being forced to allow illegal border crossings or face losing their job, casting a shadow on the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis.

Speaking anonymously to CNN, the agent revealed that they are subjected to immense pressure to facilitate illegal border crossings, with the threat of being reported and ultimately dismissed from their position hanging over them.

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

"Our hands are tied," the agent lamented. "If I don't allow them to cross, they call and complain, now I'm in trouble."

The agent's predicament underscores the dire situation at the southern border, where the number of illegal crossings has skyrocketed under the Biden presidency. The agent's testimony adds to the mounting criticism of the administration's policies, which have been accused of exacerbating the crisis.

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

The border patrol agent's disillusionment is palpable, as they expressed a deep sense of frustration with the current state of affairs.

"We didn't have to babysit," they said, recalling a time when securing the border was a matter of pride.

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

Border Patrol Agent: Forced to Allow Illegal Border Crossings or Face Job Loss

The agent also voiced skepticism about the recent executive order issued by the Biden administration, which aims to curb illegal border crossings.

"Well, it only took [Biden] what, three years and seven months?" the agent remarked sarcastically.

The White House has attempted to downplay the severity of the border crisis, deflecting blame to external factors such as violence and economic instability in Central America.

However, the administration's claims have been met with incredulity by critics, who point to the record-breaking number of migrant crossings under Biden's watch.

Under the current administration, there have been a staggering 7 million migrant crossings.

Despite the administration's denials, the border patrol agent's testimony suggests that the situation on the ground is far from under control.

The agent's allegations have reignited the debate over the Biden administration's border policies, with Republicans and anti-illegal immigration activists renewing their attacks on the president.

The White House has vehemently denied the agent's claims, dismissing them as "false."

Amid the ongoing political wrangling, the plight of the border patrol agents caught in the crossfire remains a sobering reminder of the challenges facing the nation at its borders.

As the debate rages on, the agent's testimony serves as a stark indictment of the Biden administration's handling of the border crisis, a crisis that continues to defy easy solutions.

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