Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

  • Reina Champlin III
  • May 18, 2024 09:01pm
  • 169

A Chicago pastor accuses Boston activists seeking reparations from "White churches" of playing on "people's shame and guilt," as the push for reparations across the U.S. gains momentum.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

Christian leaders in Boston are facing criticism for resisting demands to pay reparations to the city's Black community, with a Chicago pastor accusing them of exploiting "people's shame and guilt."

Corey Brooks, a pastor in South Side Chicago, denounced the Boston activists' push for reparations from "White churches," calling it "absurd." He argued that such demands could create division and undermine the true purpose of reparations.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

In Boston, a task force has been established to study the impact of slavery and make recommendations for reparations. The task force members have called on the city and "White churches" to step up and address historical racial inequities.

The push for reparations is not limited to Boston. Across the U.S., states and cities are exploring reparations initiatives, including California, New York, Georgia, Tennessee, and Minnesota.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

The term "reparations" encompasses various forms of compensation, including cash payments, scholarships, and programs to address disparities in housing, healthcare, and education.

In California, the state legislature has passed a bill apologizing for its role in slavery but did not include cash payments in the apology. In San Francisco, a proposed $5 million cash payment for eligible Black residents was met with opposition from the city's mayor.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

Despite the resistance from some quarters, the reparations movement is gaining traction. In Evanston, Illinois, the first city to pass a reparations plan, $10 million is being pledged over 10 years to Black residents.

At the federal level, "Squad" member Rep. Jamaal Bowman has introduced a resolution calling for the establishment of a $14 trillion reparations program for the descendants of enslaved Black people.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

Bowman argues that the U.S. has a "legal and moral obligation" to confront the legacy of slavery and its lasting impact on Black Americans.

The reparations debate has sparked controversy and raised questions about the best way to address historical racial injustice. Some critics argue that cash payments are not enough and that reparations should focus on broader systemic changes.

Boston Churches Under Fire for Resisting Reparations to Black Community

However, civil rights advocates maintain that cash payments are a crucial form of recognition and compensation for the centuries of harm inflicted upon Black people in the U.S.

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