Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

  • Lula Hill
  • July 1, 2024 12:04pm
  • 345

In the tragic death of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, Houston's district attorney has highlighted a flawed immigration system that allegedly allowed the accused illegal immigrants to enter the country and commit the heinous crime.

The murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston has sparked outrage and drawn attention to concerns over illegal immigration and border policies. Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg has denounced a "broken system" that she believes enabled the two illegal immigrants charged in the case to enter the United States and commit the horrific crime.

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Johan Jose Martinez-Rangel, 21, and Franklin Jose Peña Ramos, 26, are accused of capital murder in the death of Nungaray. Ogg has asserted that the suspects should have been detained upon crossing the border into El Paso but were instead released due to a flawed system.

"Jocelyn's death resulted [from this broken system]. And it's just hard when you know something could have been prevented like a child's death," Ogg stated.

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

According to Ogg, the immigration system has been dysfunctional for decades, leading to concerns among many Texans. She expressed that the recent surge of immigrants from various countries, not just Mexico, has heightened the risk factor for citizens.

"We're seeing immigrants from China, from the islands, from South America, like these individuals — that's new. And I think it's increasing the risk factor for regular people here," Ogg added. "So I'm hoping our government will work together in a bipartisan fashion to keep the public safe by making our borders safer."

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

The murder of Nungaray has ignited calls for stricter border enforcement and accountability. Ogg has emphasized that the immigration system must be reformed to prevent such tragedies in the future.

Meanwhile, crime in Harris County has emerged as a pressing issue for local and state officials. Texas state Rep. Briscoe Cain has criticized both the Biden administration and the DA's office for creating a "sanctuary for criminals" in the county.

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Cain believes that criminal court judges also share responsibility for the lax enforcement of laws, noting their role in determining bail amounts and sentencing decisions.

Peña Ramos and Martinez-Rangel are currently detained on a $10 million bond. Nungaray's funeral was held on Thursday, June 16.

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

Broken System Blamed for Murder of 12-Year-Old by Illegal Immigrants in Houston

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