California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

  • Erling Leffler
  • July 3, 2024 10:04pm
  • 283

A California Democrat who previously voted for Rep. Adam Schiff has announced her support for GOP opponent Steve Garvey in November's pivotal Senate race after meeting Garvey in Israel. Samara Weiner, a Jewish lawyer, claims Schiff has prioritized "politics above everything else" and has failed to address antisemitism leading to violence against Jews.

In a significant political shift, California Democrat Samara Weiner, a Jewish lawyer, has announced her support for GOP Senate candidate Steve Garvey, abandoning her previous support for incumbent Rep. Adam Schiff. Weiner's decision stems from her dissatisfaction with Schiff's stance on Israel, which she believes has contributed to antisemitism and violence against the Jewish community.

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

During an appearance on "Fox News @ Night," Weiner asserted that Schiff has been "pandering too much to the far-left of the Democratic Party." This approach, she argues, has "created antisemitism, which was leading directly to violence against Jews." Weiner specifically cited Schiff's failure to support Israel's access to essential weapons for self-defense.

Weiner's disillusionment with Schiff reflects a broader sentiment among Jewish voters. "If you're Jewish right now, you're not happy with the Democratic Party," she declared. "And we are really ready for someone with some moral clarity… someone who really is going to stand up for us and do the right thing."

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

Garvey, a 10-time MLB All-Star and World Series champion, emerged as a viable alternative for Weiner after a recent trip to Israel. During his visit, Garvey met with the families of hostages, spoke with voters like Weiner, and gained a firsthand understanding of the complexities facing the nation.

"When you're talking to the people and listening to them, I heard that they needed me to go to places where I could come back with the real answers – whether it's the border, whether it's homeless, whether it's crime on the streets… but recently, it's about going back to Israel," Garvey explained.

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

California Democrat Switches Sides After Steve Garvey's Israel Trip

Weiner praised Garvey for his authenticity and boldness during his trip. "I really respected his fearlessness," she stated. "The Democrat Party is lacking a fearless leader."

Garvey, seeking to become the first Republican California Senator since 1992, is confident in his ability to address the concerns of voters. "The single greatest currency we have is the opportunity vote," he said, commending those like Weiner who dare to challenge the status quo.

"I love this state. I love this country. It's needed somebody to stand up with political courage," Garvey proclaimed.

Weiner's defection to Garvey's camp is a significant sign of dissatisfaction among Jewish voters. It highlights the growing frustration with the Democratic Party's stance on Israel, which some perceive as compromising the safety and well-being of the Jewish community. Garvey, with his commitment to addressing these concerns, has emerged as a viable alternative for voters seeking a leader with moral clarity and a willingness to stand up for the Jewish people.

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