California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

  • Prof. Keshawn Kerluke Jr.
  • June 21, 2024 09:04pm
  • 143

Democratic Assemblyman Ash Kalra fought back tears as he argued in favor of a bill to establish a fund for slavery reparations for African Americans in California, while Republican Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez objected, saying it would be unfair to ask Asians and Latinos to pay.

As the California Assembly Committee on Judiciary deliberated on SB 1331, a bill to establish a reparations fund for descendants of American slaves, a poignant exchange took place between Democratic Assemblyman Ash Kalra and Republican Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez.

Sanchez voiced concerns about the potential $800 billion cost of the proposal, arguing that it would necessitate an unprecedented tax hike. She emphasized that the majority of California's population, which includes many Latino and Asian immigrants, had no connection to slavery or its legacy of discrimination.

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

"It is fundamentally unfair to force these people to pay for this," Sanchez stated.

Kalra countered by denying that reparations would be paid in a lump sum from the state budget. He passionately argued that reparations, including monetary compensation, are a necessary step to address the generational trauma and economic disparities faced by Black families as a result of centuries of slavery.

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

"No one asked Black families over generations if it was okay to take their wealth, if it was okay to enslave them, if it was okay to put their children in generations of poverty," Kalra said, his voice choked with emotion. "This country became a superpower based upon free labor of African descendants over hundreds of years. We need to recognize it."

Despite Sanchez's objections, the Judiciary Committee voted 9-3 along party lines to advance SB 1331. This bill is part of a quartet of reparations proposals currently under consideration by the California legislature.

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

Previously, the state Senate approved three bills that acknowledge California's role in slavery and discriminatory practices, offering an apology to Black Californians. These bills are now awaiting Assembly approval.

California's reparations package, introduced in January, encompasses various forms of compensation, including property compensation and cash payouts for descendants of slaves and other Black Californians. Previous reparations bills, such as proposals for homeownership aid and property tax relief, were rejected by the Assembly.

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

California Lawmaker Breaks Down in Tears Defending Slavery Reparations Bill Against Claims by Republican Opponent

SB 1331, if enacted, would earmark funds for reparations policies signed into law by the governor.

The issue of slavery reparations has sparked heated debates across the country, with some arguing that it is essential to address systemic racism and its enduring consequences, while others question the fairness of compelling individuals who were not directly involved in slavery to pay for reparations.

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