California Teachers Union Maintains Attack Ad on Governor Newsom Despite Agreement

  • Ralph Kihn II
  • May 28, 2024 09:03pm
  • 310

Despite an agreement between Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Teachers Association (CTA) on public school funding, the union will continue airing an attack ad against Newsom. The CTA claims that Newsom's budget revision would create a "monumental crisis" in California classrooms.

California Teachers Union Maintains Attack Ad on Governor Newsom Despite Agreement

Despite Governor Gavin Newsom's reversal on cutting public school funding and reaching an agreement with the nation's most influential teachers union, the union will continue airing an attack ad against him until the deal is passed in the legislature. The ad, launched by the California Teacher's Association (CTA), claims that Newsom's budget revision would create a "monumental crisis" in California classrooms.

California Teachers Union Maintains Attack Ad on Governor Newsom Despite Agreement

The CTA, a powerful progressive teachers union, launched the ad last week after Newsom proposed slashing funding for public schools by $12 billion over the next few years to narrow the state's budget shortfall. The ad features a narrator claiming that California classrooms face billions of dollars in cuts, bigger class sizes, thousands of teacher layoffs, and the loss of essential resources such as counselors, nurses, and special education aides.

Newsom later rolled back his initial proposal for education cuts and reached an agreement with the CTA. CTA president David B. Goldberg expressed concern over any attempts to weaken the constitutional protections behind the Proposition 98 funding guarantee, which ensures a set funding amount for public schools each fiscal year.

California Teachers Union Maintains Attack Ad on Governor Newsom Despite Agreement

The new agreement between Newsom and the CTA pledges a more favorable assessment of Proposition 98, ensuring that schools receive an additional $5.5 billion in the future. Newsom stated that the agreement incorporates feedback from California educators and protects students, families, and educators while ensuring budget neutrality.

A spokesperson for Newsom's office confirmed that policy differences with the CTA had been resolved. However, Lance Christensen, vice president of the conservative think tank California Policy Center, criticized the CTA for engaging in disinformation campaigns and dishonest negotiations.

California Teachers Union Maintains Attack Ad on Governor Newsom Despite Agreement

The CTA's attack ad comes as Newsom proposed a revised budget this month that would have shaved off $150 per student compared to his initial proposal. The budget also includes cuts to government jobs, state operations, and climate programs.

Newsom's revised budget projects a $70 billion deficit through 2025-26, significantly higher than the Legislative Analyst Office's (LAO) initial estimate of $45 billion. Lawmakers have expressed concern that Newsom's budget revision may exacerbate the state's financial situation.

Despite Newsom's agreement with the CTA, the union has threatened to sue over the proposed cuts. The CTA has historically supported Democratic candidates, including Newsom, but the attack ad and ongoing legal threat underscore the union's influence in Sacramento.

The CTA contributed $250,000 to Newsom's Prop 1 campaign this year and $1.8 million to his anti-recall campaign two years ago. The union's continued opposition to Newsom despite the agreement highlights the importance of ensuring that funding for public schools is protected and that the needs of students and educators are met.

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