CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

  • Elyse Cartwright
  • July 2, 2024 02:04am
  • 160

CBS host Margaret Brennan challenged Sen. JD Vance's accusations that the media protects President Biden, citing false claims made by former President Trump in last week's debate.

CBS host Margaret Brennan confronted Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, on Sunday over his criticism of the media for allegedly protecting President Biden from scrutiny, interrupting him to point out false claims made by former President Trump in last week's debate.

Vance accused the media of refusing to fact-check Biden during the debate, saying, "We know that the media seems totally uninterested in fact-checking Joe Biden from any of the number of false claims that he made."

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

Brennan interjected, citing a CBS poll showing that fewer voters believed Trump was truthful compared to Biden, and proceeded to list instances where Trump made false statements during the debate.

- Claiming states are passing laws to execute babies, which Brennan countered by stating that killing people is illegal in every state.

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

- Asserting that the House Speaker turned down 10,000 soldiers offered to keep peace on January 6th, a claim refuted by Trump's acting defense secretary.

Vance maintained that the media was interfering in reporting on abortion and the January 6th riot, pointing to Nancy Pelosi's admission of responsibility for the lack of National Guard troops at the Capitol.

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

Brennan noted that former Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller testified he was never ordered to send 10,000 troops to the Capitol on January 6th.

Vance doubled down on Pelosi's responsibility for the Guard's absence, arguing that she could have requested more troops.

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

CBS Host Grills Vance on Media Criticism, Fact-Checks Trump's Claims

Brennan's fact-checking of Trump's claims and challenge to Vance's media criticism highlight the ongoing debate about media bias and the accuracy of information disseminated to the public.

Vance, considered a potential vice presidential pick for Trump, has been outspoken in his criticism of the media, while Brennan's role as a moderator on "Face the Nation" involves holding guests accountable for their statements.

The incident underscores the importance of factual accuracy in political discourse and the media's responsibility to hold candidates accountable for their claims.

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