Chicago Prepares for Massive Protests at Democratic National Convention

  • Josephine Dach
  • June 10, 2024 09:03am
  • 250

The Democratic National Convention in Chicago is expected to draw large protests, but police officials assure the public they are prepared to maintain order.

Chicago Prepares for Massive Protests at Democratic National Convention

Chicago is preparing for massive protests at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, with police officials assuring the public they are prepared to maintain order.

The convention, scheduled for August 19-22 at the United Center, is expected to draw an estimated 50,000 visitors.

Chicago Prepares for Massive Protests at Democratic National Convention

Democrats are concerned that anti-Israel protests could disrupt the convention, similar to the violent clashes between protesters and police at the 1968 convention in Chicago.

However, Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling said that officers have been preparing for the expected protests and will respond in a "more deliberate and controlled" manner than in 1968.

Chicago Prepares for Massive Protests at Democratic National Convention

"This will not be 1968," Snelling said. "Our response as a Chicago Police Department will be a lot more deliberate ... a lot more controlled because our officers are being trained in the best way possible to respond to any level of civil unrest."

In an op-ed to the Chicago Tribune, Snelling admitted that the department was caught off-guard by the "civil unrest" during the 2020 riots. He reported that officers have since been training in non-violent tactics to handle massive protests.

Chicago Prepares for Massive Protests at Democratic National Convention

"I plan. I prepare. Most importantly, I have complete faith and trust in the department, our officers and the people of Chicago," Snelling wrote. "We all want the same thing: a successful and safe convention. Together, we can — and we will — make that happen. We are ready."

In the past week, Chicago police officers took part in two days of specialized training in how to handle assaults and attacks, the use of body shields, protecting the public, and removing anyone who is injured.

All officers have taken part in some type of training for the August convention, but 2,500 officers will be taking "tier one training," which is specifically deployed for more volatile incidents.

Both local and national Democrats fear the "optics" of an uncivil or potentially violent protest as President Biden makes his re-election bid.

"If you’re Biden and the Democratic Party and the mayor of Chicago, you just want peace and calm and stability," University of Alabama at Birmingham history professor Andrew Baer told the Chicago Tribune. "You don’t want the bad optics of either suppressing a protest or the protest embarrassing the coronation of Biden."

Chicago police officers are preparing for about 50,000 visitors and massive protests. (Terrence Antonio James/Chicago Tribune/Tribune News Service via Getty Images)

A Chicago watchdog agency has warned that police are unprepared for protests ahead of the Democratic National Convention.

The agency, the Office of the Inspector General, released a report in July that said the police department "lacks the necessary plans, policies, and training to adequately prepare for and respond to major protests."

The report found that the department does not have a clear plan for how to handle protests that become violent, and that officers are not trained in how to de-escalate situations.

The agency recommended that the department develop a comprehensive plan for handling protests, and that officers receive training in de-escalation techniques.

The police department has not yet responded to the report.

The Democratic National Convention will be held at Chicago’s United Center on Aug. 19-22 and is expected to draw an estimated 50,000 visitors and massive protests.

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