China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

  • Newell Rogahn
  • September 7, 2024 12:03pm
  • 257

The Chinese government has announced that it will no longer allow international families to adopt children from the country, effective immediately. This decision will have a significant impact on hundreds of families who have been waiting to complete their adoptions and is a major reversal of China's decades-long policy of allowing international adoptions.

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China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

In a move that has sent shockwaves through the international adoption community, the Chinese government has announced that it will no longer allow international families to adopt children from the country. The decision, which was communicated to U.S. diplomats in China by phone, marks an abrupt end to a decades-long program that has seen tens of thousands of children placed in loving homes abroad.

According to the Associated Press (AP), Chinese officials told U.S. diplomats that they "will not continue to process cases at any stage" of the adoption process, except for blood relatives adopting a child or stepchild. The State Department quickly condemned the move, expressing sympathy for the hundreds of families who have been left in limbo with pending adoption applications.

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

"We understand there are hundreds of families still pending completion of their adoption, and we sympathize with their situation," the State Department said.

The Chinese government's decision to halt international adoptions comes as a surprise, especially given the country's history of facilitating such adoptions. Since 1999, American parents have adopted over 80,000 children from China, making up about 29% of all U.S. overseas adoptions. Adoptive parents would typically visit China to pick up their child and then bring them back to their home overseas.

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

In recent years, the Chinese government had suspended international adoptions during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there were hopes that adoptions would resume once the pandemic subsided. In fact, the Chinese government had allowed adoptions for children who received travel consent before the suspension in 2020, according to the AP.

The abrupt end to the international adoption program has left many families devastated. In the United States, adoptive parents have been eagerly awaiting the opportunity to bring their children home, many of whom have been waiting for years to be matched with a family. The suspension of adoptions has left these families in a state of uncertainty and despair.

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

China Halts International Adoptions, Leaving Pending Families in Limbo

The Chinese government's decision has also raised concerns about the future of the adoption process in China. Critics argue that the move will make it more difficult for orphaned and abandoned children in China to find loving homes. They also worry that the decision could lead to an increase in illegal adoption practices.

The Chinese government has not provided a clear explanation for its decision to halt international adoptions. However, some experts believe that it could be related to China's declining birth rates. After decades of enforcing a strict "one child" policy, China's birth rate has plummeted in recent years. This has led to fears that China will face a shortage of young workers in the future.

Whatever the reasons for the government's decision, it is clear that the end of international adoptions will have a profound impact on the lives of children and families both in China and abroad.

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