Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

  • Ubaldo Wuckert
  • June 28, 2024 12:03am
  • 355

Amidst the escalating tensions between Israel and the Palestinian territories, the dwindling Christian presence in the Holy Land faces existential threats. Amidst political strife and financial challenges, Christian leaders grapple with the mission of preserving their faith and providing hope amidst turmoil.

In the heart of the Holy Land, where the birthplace of Jesus Christ and many of Christianity's most sacred sites are located, the Christian population faces a precarious future. Once thriving, the Christian communities in Israel and the Palestinian territories have been steadily shrinking, a trend that has been exacerbated by the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas.

According to the latest estimates, Christians now make up only 2% of the combined population of Israel and the Palestinian territories. Approximately three-quarters of these Christians are Arabs, belonging to ancient and apostolic denominations such as the Greek Orthodox, Coptic, and Catholic churches.

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has brought renewed attention to the tensions between Judaism and Islam, the two majority religions in the region. However, the ongoing war and its sociopolitical ramifications also threaten to further smother the already dwindling Christian presence on both sides of a broken Holy Land.

Christian leaders in the region are fighting to keep the flame of the faith alive, despite political, financial, and violent threats. They face the challenge of balancing their mission of evangelization and custody of sacred sites with the geopolitical realities of the region.

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

One such Christian leader is Eamon Kelly, an Irish priest in the Legionnaires of Christ who serves as the vice director of the Magdala Hotel, a lodging for pilgrims built on the banks of the Sea of Galilee. Kelly emphasizes the importance of focusing on human dignity in the face of conflict and division.

"Usually, the narratives focus on the heart of a certain group, a certain subsection of humanity under a particular category," says Kelly. "And what happens actually in Magdala, before anything religious happens, is the appeal to the human dignity as such, that we are all made in the image and likeness of the Almighty."

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Another Christian leader, Shadi Khalloul, president and founder of the Aram Christian Galilee Center, advocates for Christian assimilation into Israeli society as a means of safety and growth. Khalloul argues that Christians in Israel should embrace Jewish democracy and nationalism as a form of protection against potential threats from Islamic nations.

"Most Christians are for the 'live and let others live' mentality, the same as many Jews here," says Khalloul. "We accept and defend Israel and Jewish democracy. We enjoy it better than living under any other Arab regimes."

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

However, Khalloul's views are not universally shared among Christian leaders. Some, like Rami Asakrieh, a Franciscan friar in Bethlehem, criticize the treatment of Palestinians by Israeli authorities and argue that peaceful Palestinians should have the same rights and opportunities as others in the region.

"Christianity tells us that everybody is created in the image of God and deserves to live with liberty, with freedom, with independence, to have their rights," says Asakrieh.

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

In addition to political challenges, Christian communities in the Holy Land face financial difficulties. Multiple Israeli municipalities have recently initiated tax proceedings against Christian churches, demanding decades-worth of alleged back taxes. Christian leaders argue that churches' commercial and real estate holdings are used to provide essential services to underprivileged communities.

The ongoing conflict has also had a devastating impact on the Christian economy in the Holy Land. Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus and a major pilgrimage destination, has seen a near-total collapse of its tourism industry. This has led to a loss of income for Christian businesses and a further decline in the Christian population.

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Despite the challenges, Christian leaders in the Holy Land remain determined to preserve their presence and continue their mission. They emphasize the importance of interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and a focus on the universal values of love and compassion.

"We need to open our mind to the Bible," says Asakrieh. "The spirit of the Bible is all about love. Love everybody, even praying for enemies, and this is the word of Jesus."

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land

The future of Christian communities in the Holy Land remains uncertain. However, the determination and resilience of Christian leaders, coupled with the enduring power of faith, give hope that the Christian presence in this sacred region will endure.

Christian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy LandChristian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy LandChristian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy LandChristian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy LandChristian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy LandChristian Faith in the Crosshairs: Fighting for a Place in the Holy Land
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