Clarence Thomas Defies Conservative Colleagues, Dismisses Industry Challenge to Consumer Protection Bureau

  • Vito Hettinger
  • May 28, 2024 01:03pm
  • 358

In a surprising move, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas authored a majority opinion upholding the funding mechanism of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), rejecting a challenge from the banking industry that argued it was unconstitutional.

Clarence Thomas Defies Conservative Colleagues, Dismisses Industry Challenge to Consumer Protection Bureau

In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court ruled last week that the CFPB, created in 2010 after the financial crisis, could continue to draw its funding directly from the Federal Reserve System. The ruling was a setback for the banking industry, which had argued that the bureau's funding mechanism bypassed congressional oversight and violated the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution.

Justice Thomas, writing for the majority, dismissed these arguments, holding that the funding mechanism complied with the Appropriations Clause. He argued that specifying the source and purpose of the funds was sufficient control, as required by the Clause.

Clarence Thomas Defies Conservative Colleagues, Dismisses Industry Challenge to Consumer Protection Bureau

The dissent, written by Justices Samuel Alito and Neil Gorsuch, sharply criticized the majority's decision, arguing that it allowed the CFPB to operate without proper congressional oversight. They contended that the Appropriations Clause required more than just a law authorizing the disbursement of funds; it required Congress to exercise control over the spending.

Thomas, however, countered that the dissent's interpretation of the term "appropriations" was overly narrow. He consulted dictionaries and historical documents to argue that the original meaning of the term was more flexible.

Clarence Thomas Defies Conservative Colleagues, Dismisses Industry Challenge to Consumer Protection Bureau

The CFPB, a brainchild of Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, has been a target of criticism from Republicans since its inception. Some, like former acting CFPB Director Mick Mulvaney, have derided it as "Elizabeth Warren's baby."

Despite the ruling in favor of the CFPB, Warren has remained critical of the Supreme Court, especially since the appointment of conservative justices by former President Donald Trump. She has accused the court of threatening the democratic foundations of the nation and has called for its expansion.

Clarence Thomas Defies Conservative Colleagues, Dismisses Industry Challenge to Consumer Protection Bureau

Thomas's authorship of the majority opinion in this case underscores his reputation as an independent and principled jurist. Legal experts have noted that his rulings often diverge from those of his conservative colleagues.

David B. Rivkin Jr., a former White House counsel, remarked that Thomas "marches to the beat of his own drum," while constitutional lawyer John Shu described him as a "true originalist and textualist."

Shu emphasized that Thomas and Alito, despite being both originalists, can interpret constitutional terms differently, demonstrating the diversity of thought among the justices. He also praised their commitment to legal principles rather than political outcomes.

The ruling in favor of the CFPB is a significant victory for consumer protection advocates. It ensures that the bureau can continue to operate without interference from the banking industry. However, it remains to be seen whether Congress will consider the decision as a precedent for establishing similar funding mechanisms for other agencies. Legal experts caution against such a move, as the Supreme Court might revisit the issue in the future.

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