CNN Mocks Biden's Hypocrisy on Polls, Reminds Him of Past Love

  • Fay Wolf IV
  • May 16, 2024 02:00pm
  • 111

Despite dismal poll numbers favoring Donald Trump, President Biden dismisses their significance, prompting CNN host Erin Burnett and data analyst Harry Enten to question his sincerity given his previous embrace of favorable polls.

CNN Mocks Biden's Hypocrisy on Polls, Reminds Him of Past Love

In a recent interview on CNN, President Joe Biden dismissed poll data indicating his lagging performance in battleground states against former President Donald Trump. However, CNN host Erin Burnett and data analyst Harry Enten challenged Biden's dismissiveness, pointing out his past enthusiasm for polls when they showed him in a favorable light.

Biden claimed that polls have consistently been inaccurate, questioning the methods used by CNN's own polling team. Burnett expressed skepticism about Biden's sincerity, noting that he previously placed great stock in polls that showed him leading Trump four years ago.

CNN Mocks Biden's Hypocrisy on Polls, Reminds Him of Past Love

Enten emphasized that the same polls currently showing Biden's decline were the same ones that predicted his victory in 2020. He acknowledged that polls can fluctuate, but cited historical data suggesting significant discrepancies between poll results six months before an election and the final outcome.

Enten further noted that polling errors in battleground states have been historically substantial, with an average six-point deviation since 1972. He highlighted that in 2020, polls underestimated Trump's support by five points in these states.

CNN Mocks Biden's Hypocrisy on Polls, Reminds Him of Past Love

Despite Biden's claims, recent polls consistently show Trump leading in key battleground states such as Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Michigan. A survey conducted by The New York Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, and Siena College even indicated that Trump would narrowly defeat Biden in Wisconsin.

Biden's disregard for the polls has alarmed some senior Democrats, including former Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines, who expressed concern about Biden's chances of victory if the election were held today.

The Biden campaign did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital.

Enten cautioned against placing too much weight on current poll numbers, emphasizing that significant shifts can occur before the November election. However, he pointed out that historically, polls have underestimated Republican support in battleground states.

The CNN hosts' analysis highlights the political gymnastics often employed by politicians when confronted with unfavorable polling data. Biden's dismissal of the polls, despite his previous reliance on them, underscores the importance of scrutinizing the motives behind such claims.

The accuracy of polls remains a subject of debate, but their historical performance suggests that they can provide valuable insights into voter preferences. As the election approaches, it is crucial to consider all available data and to approach poll results with a critical lens.

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