CNN Panel Grills Ex-Biden Official over Suspicious White House Briefing Cancelation

  • Leilani Cummerata MD
  • June 13, 2024 01:04am
  • 247

Former Biden communications director and CNN panelist, Kate Bedingfield, faces scrutiny from the show's hosts and commentators over the abrupt cancellation of the White House press briefing, which coincided with the conviction of President Biden's son, Hunter Biden, on gun charges.

CNN Panel Grills Ex-Biden Official over Suspicious White House Briefing Cancelation

A CNN panel grilled former Biden communications director Kate Bedingfield after she insisted that the White House's abrupt cancellation of its Tuesday press briefing, the day Hunter Biden was convicted on gun charges, was not related to the verdict.

The panel, which included co-hosts Brianna Keiler and Boris Sanchez, as well as network political commentator Shermichael Singleton, expressed skepticism over Bedingfield's explanation that the cancellation was due to the President having recently given a public address and a lack of additional news for the administration to comment on.

CNN Panel Grills Ex-Biden Official over Suspicious White House Briefing Cancelation

Sanchez noted that the briefing had been initially delayed before its eventual cancellation, while Keiler remarked on the timing of the cancellation coinciding with Hunter Biden's conviction.

Bedingfield maintained that "it's not uncommon to cancel the briefing after the president gives a significant set of remarks," arguing that the aim is to focus media coverage on the President's message and accomplishments.

CNN Panel Grills Ex-Biden Official over Suspicious White House Briefing Cancelation

Keiler challenged Bedingfield, stating that the White House was aware that Hunter Biden's trial decision was imminent, but Bedingfield countered that they could not anticipate the extent of media coverage the conviction would receive.

Singleton contradicted Bedingfield, stating "We know why it was canceled. Because they don't want to deal with questions about the verdict."

He urged transparency with the American people, suggesting that the White House acknowledge the timing and allow for questions to be addressed in due course.

Bedingfield insisted that the White House has addressed the issue on multiple occasions, but Singleton pointed out the absence of questioning opportunities after the verdict.

CNN senior political analyst Gloria Borger also expressed her disagreement with Bedingfield, stating that the White House's response appeared to be different due to the conviction, while Bedingfield continued to argue that the cancellation was a strategic communications decision.

Borger concluded that the lack of a briefing "raises more questions, I think, than it answers," highlighting the suspicions raised by the abrupt cancellation.

The panel's interrogation of Bedingfield brought into question the White House's handling of the situation and its efforts to control the narrative surrounding Hunter Biden's conviction, which has sparked heightened scrutiny and speculation.

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