CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

  • Kenyatta Kemmer
  • August 14, 2024 11:04pm
  • 235

CNN's Edward-Isaac Dovere expressed astonishment over Hunter Biden's alleged attempts to secure assistance from the U.S. government for an Italian energy project while his father served as vice president.

In the wake of revelations that Hunter Biden sought government aid for an energy venture in Italy, a CNN panel voiced its bewilderment and concern. Edward-Isaac Dovere, one of the panelists, remarked that it felt "very strange" that Hunter Biden would leverage his father's position for personal gain.

The New York Times reported that Hunter Biden wrote to the U.S. ambassador to Italy requesting support for the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, where he held a board position. The request was met with hesitation, given the sensitive nature of involving the son of a sitting vice president in foreign business dealings.

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

"This isn't great. Hunter Biden, everybody in the White House has known for a long time, is an issue," Dovere stated. "The way that his lawyers responded to this disclosure saying, 'Well, yeah, he sent letters but did nothing wrong.' This feels very strange to people that the vice president's son was sending letters or making requests to other government officials and saying, 'Hey, would you meet with this company?'"

Dovere's comments underscore the potential ethical concerns surrounding Hunter Biden's actions. Critics have accused him of exploiting his father's political power for personal financial benefit, which could constitute a conflict of interest.

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

Moreover, the New York Times report suggests that Hunter Biden's request for assistance was made shortly after President Biden dropped out of the 2020 presidential race. This timing has raised suspicions about whether the timing was a deliberate attempt to shield the Biden family from scrutiny.

"One of the other things The New York Times reports here is that this document was suddenly shaken loose from the U.S. bureaucracy the week that President Biden dropped out of the race," CNN host Kasie Hunt observed. "They claim it's a coincidence."

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

CNN Panelist's Perplexing Reaction to Hunter Biden's Italian Business Dealings

Another CNN panelist, Matt Gorman, a former adviser to Republican presidential candidate Tim Scott, expressed his disappointment over the revelations. He noted that Hunter Biden is still facing trial for tax evasion related to Burisma and that these latest allegations further cast a shadow over the Biden family.

"It doesn't look good," Gorman said. "He is still facing trial later this year for tax evasion around Burisma. And look, I think it's one of the many reasons Democrats are probably breathing a big sigh of relief. They don't have to worry about Hunter Biden in terms of presidential campaign trail politics, but you're right, this is the background of this. And this certainly, he's not going away anytime soon."

The White House has not yet commented on the allegations, which have been met with swift criticism from Republicans and some members of the media. The outcome of Hunter Biden's upcoming trial and any potential investigations into his business dealings will likely shed further light on this complex and controversial issue.

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