CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

  • Norberto Runte DDS
  • June 23, 2024 10:04pm
  • 102

In preparation for the upcoming presidential debate, CNN political commentator Jamal Simmons suggests President Biden practice smiling more to prevent his "resting old face" from conveying a negative impression to viewers.

CNN political commentator Jamal Simmons has offered his advice to President Biden on how to present himself more effectively in the upcoming presidential debate: practice smiling more. Simmons believes that Biden's "resting old face" could be detrimental to his performance if he appears too serious or somber during the debate.

Simmons, who previously served as communications director for Vice President Kamala Harris, made these remarks during CNN's "State of the Union" program. He emphasized the importance of Biden's physical appearance and demeanor, suggesting that a more cheerful expression could enhance his overall presentation.

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

Other panelists on the show, including political commentators Alyssa Farah Griffin and Bakari Sellers, weighed in on the matter. Sellers suggested that Biden's challenge lies in articulating a clear vision for the future, as his advanced age may hinder his ability to present a compelling narrative for his second term.

The discussion centered around the rules and format of the debate, which will prohibit a live audience, consultation with campaign aides during breaks, and the use of props or prepared notes. Urban advised Trump to adopt a less aggressive approach and allow Biden to speak at length, while Griffin expressed concern about Biden's energy levels given the absence of an enthusiastic audience to motivate him.

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

Simmons' suggestion for Biden to practice smiling has drawn mixed reactions. Some commentators have questioned the validity of his advice, arguing that Biden's facial expressions should not be the focus of the debate. Others have defended Simmons' perspective, highlighting the importance of nonverbal cues in political discourse.

The debate, scheduled for June 27, is considered a critical moment in the race for the presidency. Van Jones, another CNN commentator, has emphasized the significance of Biden's performance, suggesting that a weak showing could have dire consequences for his campaign.

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

CNN Pundit Advises Biden to Practice Smile to Avoid 'Resting Old Face'

The Biden campaign declined to comment on Simmons' advice. The debate will serve as a major opportunity for both Biden and Trump to present their visions for the country and address the concerns of the American people.

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