CNN Reporter Astonished by Trump's Massive Bronx Rally in Democratic Stronghold

  • Stephon Roob
  • May 24, 2024 10:04pm
  • 266

Despite being one of the most heavily Democratic counties in the nation, the Bronx witnessed an unexpected outpouring of support for former President Donald Trump at a recent rally.

CNN Reporter Astonished by Trump's Massive Bronx Rally in Democratic Stronghold

Kristen Holmes, a CNN correspondent, expressed surprise at the overwhelming support displayed by the former President at a Bronx rally on Thursday. The event drew an estimated 25,000 attendees, far exceeding initial projections. Holmes attributed this massive gathering to a combination of Trump's appeal and widespread dissatisfaction with the current state of the economy.

While Trump's presence in the Bronx sparked mixed reactions, numerous attendees voiced their support for him, citing his policies and focus on issues that matter to New York voters, such as infrastructure and job creation.

CNN Reporter Astonished by Trump's Massive Bronx Rally in Democratic Stronghold

The rally's significance lies in the Bronx's reputation as a stronghold for Democrats. In 2016, Trump received only 10% of the vote in the borough, but that number increased to 16% in 2020. Recent polls suggest that he is gaining ground among Black and Hispanic voters.

In his speech, Trump lamented New York's decline and vowed to "save" the city. He also praised the diverse crowd, which included attendees from Black, Hispanic, White, Asian, and Muslim backgrounds.

CNN Reporter Astonished by Trump's Massive Bronx Rally in Democratic Stronghold

Despite the rally's festive atmosphere, Trump's critics voiced their disapproval. New York Governor Kathy Hochul referred to his supporters as "clowns," while Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez celebrated the possibility of bad weather disrupting the event.

However, the Bronx residents who showed up for Trump's rally represented a diverse group of voters disillusioned with the Democratic Party and seeking alternatives. Many expressed dissatisfaction with the economy and voiced their support for Trump's policies.

The Bronx rally serves as a reminder of Trump's enduring popularity and his ability to mobilize his base even in traditionally Democratic strongholds. It also highlights the challenges facing the Democratic Party as the 2024 presidential election approaches.

New York has not voted for a Republican presidential candidate since 1984. Trump's performance in the Bronx suggests that he may be chipping away at this longstanding Democratic stronghold. Whether he can overcome the state's overall Democratic lean remains to be seen.

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