CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

  • Addie Gislason
  • September 21, 2024 03:03am
  • 249

After polls underestimated support for former President Trump in 2016 and 2020, CNN host Anderson Cooper expresses skepticism about the accuracy of current polls for the 2024 election.

CNN host Anderson Cooper has raised concerns about the reliability of polls for the 2024 election, citing instances where past polls underestimated support for former President Donald Trump.

During an appearance on "Late Night with Stephen Colbert," Cooper shared his skepticism towards polls, particularly in light of their history of underestimating Trump's support. "I don't think I buy them," he stated.

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

Cooper's skepticism stems from the observation that Trump has consistently underperformed in polls, making it difficult to accurately gauge his level of support among voters. "I mean, I report on them, I think they are interesting to talk about, and look at, particularly when you dive deep on certain topics," he acknowledged. "But in truth, deep down inside, I don’t think I buy them."

Despite acknowledging the potential accuracy of some polls, Cooper remains cautious, comparing them to "baby pigeons" that may exist but are rarely seen.

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

Recent polls have indicated a polling bump for Vice President Kamala Harris following the presidential debate. A Fox News national poll gave Harris a two-point edge over Trump, while a USA Today/Suffolk University poll gave Harris a three-point lead in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.

However, Cooper's skepticism is echoed by polling guru Nate Silver, who cautions voters about the potential for polls to underestimate Trump. "People should remember, though, two things," Silver said. "One, we have three more months to go. There will be more surprises. And two, the polls have been wrong before. In both the last two general elections they underestimated Trump."

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

Despite the uncertainty surrounding the accuracy of polls, Cooper emphasizes that they can still provide valuable insights and should not be dismissed entirely. "We have some great people that look at polls," he noted. "But in truth, deep down inside, I don’t think I buy them."

Cooper's skepticism serves as a reminder of the limitations of polling data and the need for caution when interpreting results, particularly in the context of Trump's unusual trajectory as a candidate. While polls may provide a snapshot of voter sentiment at a particular point in time, they cannot fully predict the outcome of an election and should be approached with a critical eye.

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

CNN's Anderson Cooper Cautions Against Trusting 2024 Polls

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