Coffee Recall Expands: FDA Warns Consumers of Potential Food Poisoning Hazard

  • Prof. Keyon Hammes
  • June 25, 2024 10:05pm
  • 176

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an expanded recall of nearly 300 varieties of canned coffee products due to concerns about potential botulism contamination. Consumers are urged to discard any affected products immediately.

**Paragraph 1:** The FDA announced a sweeping recall of canned coffee products on March 7, 2023, after receiving reports of potential botulism contamination. The recall affects approximately 290 types of coffee products distributed through multiple coffee roasters and retailers nationwide.

**Paragraph 2:** Botulism is a serious illness caused by a toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium that thrives in low-acid environments. Botulism can lead to life-threatening paralysis if not treated promptly.

Coffee Recall Expands: FDA Warns Consumers of Potential Food Poisoning Hazard

Coffee Recall Expands: FDA Warns Consumers of Potential Food Poisoning Hazard

**Paragraph 3:** The affected coffee products were manufactured by Lifetime Brands Inc. and include various brands, such as Gevalia, Seattle's Best Coffee, and Caribou Coffee. A full list of recalled products can be found on the FDA website.

**Paragraph 4:** The recall was initiated after Lifetime Brands discovered a manufacturing defect that allowed for the possible entry of botulism spores into the products. The company emphasized that the contamination was isolated to a single production lot and that other products are not affected.

**Paragraph 5:** Consumers who have purchased the recalled coffee products are advised to discard them immediately and contact the manufacturer for a refund or replacement. Do not consume or dispose of the products in a way that could contaminate other food or surfaces.

**Paragraph 6:** The FDA recommends that consumers follow these steps to prevent potential contamination:

* Check your pantry for recalled coffee products.

* Discard any affected products immediately.

* Wash your hands thoroughly after handling recalled products.

* Clean any surfaces that may have come into contact with the products.

**Paragraph 7:** Symptoms of botulism can include blurred vision, double vision, difficulty swallowing, and muscle weakness. If you experience any of these symptoms after consuming the recalled coffee products, seek medical attention immediately.

**Paragraph 8:** The FDA is working with the manufacturer to investigate the cause of the contamination and ensure that all affected products are recalled. The agency emphasizes that the recall is a precautionary measure and that the risk of botulism is very low.

**Paragraph 9:** Consumers with any questions or concerns can contact Lifetime Brands Inc. at 1-800-630-7175. The FDA also provides additional information about botulism and its prevention on its website.

**Paragraph 10:** The coffee recall serves as a reminder to consumers to be vigilant about food safety and to follow recall instructions to minimize the risk of illness. The FDA continues to monitor the situation and will provide updates as necessary.

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