Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's "Open Border Nightmare" After Maryland Mother's Murder

  • Elmore Schamberger
  • June 27, 2024 08:03pm
  • 173

A conservative nonprofit is launching a six-figure ad campaign in key swing states criticizing President Biden's immigration policies, specifically the death of Rachel Morin, an alleged victim of an illegal immigrant.

A conservative nonprofit organization, Building America's Future, is releasing a six-figure ad campaign in key swing states on the eve of the first presidential debate. The ads aim to criticize President Biden's immigration policies, specifically his handling of the porous southern border, which they claim has become a "nightmare for American women."

The centerpiece of the 60-second digital ad is the tragic story of Rachel Morin, a 37-year-old Maryland mother who was allegedly raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant in August 2023. Her five children were left parentless as a result of this senseless crime.

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's "Open Border Nightmare" After Maryland Mother's Murder

The ad highlights how Morin's alleged killer, Victor Martinez Hernandez, was wanted for murder in his native country before he was allowed to enter the United States. Critics argue that this incident underscores the urgent need for stricter border controls and a more comprehensive immigration system.

The ad campaign also draws parallels between Morin's murder and the recent killing of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Houston girl allegedly raped and murdered by two illegal immigrants. The message is clear: Biden's "open border" policies are putting American lives at risk.

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's "Open Border Nightmare" After Maryland Mother's Murder

Patty Morin, Rachel's mother, has publicly denounced Biden's administration for not taking the immigration crisis seriously. She believes that her daughter's death could have been prevented if the government had done a better job of securing the border.

The ad campaign is expected to run for three days, from June 26 to June 28, in seven key swing states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It will utilize a combination of digital platforms, mobile billboards, and 2D projections to reach as many voters as possible.

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's "Open Border Nightmare" After Maryland Mother's Murder

Building America's Future previously ran a similar ad campaign during Biden's State of the Union address, focusing on the murder of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley, also allegedly committed by an illegal immigrant. CNN declined to air the ad during the speech.

The Republican National Committee has echoed the sentiments expressed in the ad campaign, calling for Biden to take immediate action to secure the border and prioritize the safety of American citizens.

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's

Conservative Ad Campaign Blasts Biden's "Open Border Nightmare" After Maryland Mother's Murder

The Biden administration has faced increasing pressure to address the border crisis as the number of illegal crossings continues to rise. However, the administration has defended its policies, arguing that they are aimed at creating a more humane and orderly immigration system.

The debate over immigration is expected to be a major issue in the upcoming presidential election, with Republicans likely to seize on the issue to galvanize their base and attract independent voters. The ad campaign by Building America's Future is just one example of how the issue is likely to be used as a political weapon in the months leading up to the election.

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