DAR Controversy: Members Challenge Inclusion of Transgender Women

  • Macie Parisian
  • June 3, 2024 02:03pm
  • 276

A former Daughter of the American Revolution (DAR) member speaks out against the inclusion of transgender women in the organization, highlighting concerns about privacy and biological accuracy.

DAR Controversy: Members Challenge Inclusion of Transgender Women

The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) is facing internal controversy over the inclusion of transgender women in the organization. Brenda Becker, a former DAR chapter executive board member, has resigned in protest, arguing that the group's amended bylaws allow for biological men to join.

DAR's bylaws now state that chapters cannot "discriminate against an eligible applicant based on race, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, disability, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law." This has led to confusion among members about whether this means transgender women can join.

DAR Controversy: Members Challenge Inclusion of Transgender Women

In a document shared with Fox News Digital, DAR leadership affirmed that transgender members are permitted to join. They stated that transgender women have been and continue to be eligible for DAR membership, and that this is not a new policy. The document emphasizes that a transgender woman is not a man simply dressed as a woman, but rather "lives and identifies as a woman."

However, Becker and other members argue that the vague language in the amended bylaws was used to justify the inclusion of transgender women. They believe that it violates the values and beliefs of many members, and that it allows for men to join the organization based on their self-identified gender.

DAR Controversy: Members Challenge Inclusion of Transgender Women

Becker has organized an online group called "Biological Daughters" to work towards rescinding the current bylaw. The group has drafted an amendment to the bylaw that would be voted on at the upcoming Continental Congress in June 2024. However, the National Board of Management has voted against the amendments, so they will not be on the ballot.

DAR maintains that its membership eligibility remains the same, requiring applicants to be female according to their birth certificate. They accept certified birth certificates that indicate an applicant is female, including those that may have been legally amended. This has been an official policy for decades.

DAR Controversy: Members Challenge Inclusion of Transgender Women

DAR emphasized that the updated language in the bylaw was necessary to maintain its tax-exempt status and comply with anti-discrimination laws. The organization argues that it is a private membership association and is not subject to discrimination lawsuits.

However, Becker argues that as a private membership organization, DAR is protected from discrimination lawsuits regardless of the language in the bylaws. She believes that the inclusion of transgender women violates the rights of biological women and undermines the historical significance of the organization.

The controversy within DAR reflects a broader national debate about the definition of "woman" and the rights of transgender individuals. As organizations grapple with issues of inclusivity and equality, they face the challenge of balancing the interests of all members and upholding their values.

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