Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

  • Dr. Anabelle Streich DVM
  • June 30, 2024 11:03am
  • 179

Dean Butler, who played Almanzo Wilder on 'Little House on the Prairie,' opens up about the challenges and controversy surrounding his first kiss with 15-year-old Melissa Gilbert in a new memoir.

Dean Butler, who played Almanzo Wilder on the beloved television series "Little House on the Prairie," has written a new memoir titled "Prairie Man" that explores his rise to stardom and the experiences that shaped his time on the show. One particular moment that Butler reflects on in the book is his first kiss with co-star Melissa Gilbert, who played Laura Ingalls.

Butler, who was 23 at the time, shares that he grappled with anxieties leading up to the kiss, which would also be Gilbert's first on-screen and in real life. Gilbert was just 15 years old, and Butler was concerned about the age difference and the potential for criticism.

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

"I think a lot of young actresses might've folded under the pressure," Butler said in an interview with Fox News Digital. "Melissa had no experience. She'd never been on a date. Never kissed anyone. Never did anything like that. That was still all ahead of her. So to ask her to step into that when she had no real life experience? It does speak to Melissa's gumption and her courage."

Despite his concerns, Butler determined to be a gentleman and put Gilbert at ease. The scene, titled "Sweet Sixteen," was meticulously supervised by Michael Landon, the show's creator and star, who gave Gilbert complete trust.

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Butler writes in his book that Gilbert's mother, Barbara Abeles, expressed her concerns about the casting decision, and her presence on the set when the kiss was filmed was somewhat unsettling for him. However, Butler ultimately understood that Abeles was being a protective mother.

After the episode aired, Butler faced criticism from some viewers who questioned the appropriateness of the age difference. Several concerned mothers wrote to magazines and newspapers, objecting to the romantic relationship between Butler's character and Gilbert's.

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

"There were some letters . . . and comments about this age difference," Butler told Fox News Digital. "Mothers were concerned . . . Seeing an obviously young Melissa Gilbert with someone significantly older than she was in this romantic relationship was challenging for some people. But, I think . . . people got the spirit of the program. They understood where this was coming from."

Butler acknowledges that the casting choice was controversial by today's standards, but emphasizes that it was justified by the characters' ages in the Laura Ingalls Wilder book series, on which the television show was based.

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Today, Butler and Gilbert have a respectful and friendly relationship, acknowledging the significance of the experience they shared. Gilbert wrote the foreword for Butler's memoir, and Butler maintains a high level of respect for Gilbert's accomplishments.

Despite the challenges, Butler is proud of the work he did on "Little House on the Prairie" and the impact it has had on fans. He is particularly flattered by the fact that many people still consider him their first crush.

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'

"It's incredibly flattering," Butler said. "It's also humbling. I take that very seriously, to be the guy they fell in love with. . . . I am still that person. I will always be that person. And I'm happy about that."

Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'Dean Butler Recalls Anxieties and Criticism Over Age-Gap Kiss with Melissa Gilbert on 'Little House'
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