Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

  • Mrs. Cara Johnson V
  • September 21, 2024 11:04am
  • 246

Steve Rosenberg, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, announced his endorsement of former President Trump due to his unwavering support for Israel, emphasizing the critical need for a pro-Jewish leader to ensure the community's survival.

Steve Rosenberg, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, has declared his support for former President Donald Trump in the upcoming November elections. Citing Trump's staunch pro-Israel stance as the primary reason for his endorsement, Rosenberg emphasized the importance of having a leader who unequivocally supports the Jewish community.

During an appearance on "America's Newsroom," Rosenberg argued that Jewish voters have only one viable candidate in Trump. He expressed concern over far-left Democrats who support Iran, a nation hostile towards Israel.

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

"If you're a Jew, if you're pro-Israel, there's only one candidate here," Rosenberg stated. "Actions speak louder than words. Kamala Harris has surrounded herself with some of the worst Jew haters that there are."

Rosenberg singled out Maher Bitar, Philip Gordon, and Ilan Goldenberg, claiming that their past records demonstrate their pro-Iran stance. He asserted that these individuals prioritize Iran over Israel, a threat that graver than any other issue.

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

"To me, all the other issues that are on the table, whether you be climate-oriented, abortion-oriented, whatever your orientation is, if you are not focused on being a Jew and being pro-Israel right now, we are in the fight for our literal lives," he said. "And all those issues won't be there if we're dead in four years. They're trying to kill us."

Vice President Kamala Harris has remained mostly ambiguous on her stance regarding the conflict in Israel, though she addressed it during a recent speech at the National Association of Black Journalists. Harris called for a resolution, but her comments were unclear, and Rosenberg suggested that she might have been referring to a two-state solution, which he strongly opposes.

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

Highlighting the significance of Trump's support, Rosenberg pointed to the former president's unwavering commitment to Israel. He shared that during his recent trip to Israel, countless Israelis expressed their hope that Trump would be re-elected.

"President Trump proved that he stood with the Jews. He stood with the Israelis. I just came back from Israel. Every single Israeli that I met, and I know a lot of them, has said to me, ‘Please vote for Donald Trump. Please vote for Donald Trump,’ every single solitary one," Rosenberg said.

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

Democrat Supports Trump for Pro-Israel Stance

In contrast to Trump, Rosenberg criticized Harris, claiming that she is "out of her mind" for potentially suggesting a two-state solution. A recent Fox News poll suggests that Trump is gaining support among voters who prioritize the outcome of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Despite the potential backlash, Rosenberg expressed concern that some Jewish voters may be reluctant to publicly declare their support for Trump due to the Capitol riot on January 6th. However, he dismissed these concerns as irrational, emphasizing that the daily violence and unrest in the country are far more severe than the events of that day.

Rosenberg urged Jewish voters to prioritize their existence by supporting Trump, who has consistently demonstrated his unwavering support for their community. "If you are a Jew and you are worried and not worried about your literal existence, then I don't know what else to tell you," he stated.

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