Democratic Coup Forces Biden Out, Flushes Primary Votes Down the Toilet

  • Mr. Peter Connelly
  • July 24, 2024 08:03am
  • 318

In a stunning move, President Joe Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 election, allegedly under pressure from Democratic leaders, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Fox News host Sean Hannity denounced the action as a "coup" that has disenfranchised millions of primary voters. The revelation has sent shockwaves through the political landscape, raising questions about the Democratic Party's commitment to democracy and the future of American politics.

## Article:

Democratic Coup Forces Biden Out, Flushes Primary Votes Down the Toilet

Democratic Coup Forces Biden Out, Flushes Primary Votes Down the Toilet

In a move that has shaken the political establishment, President Joe Biden has announced his withdrawal from the 2024 election, citing personal and family reasons. However, sources close to the White House have alleged that Biden's decision was not entirely voluntary but rather coerced by Democratic leaders who feared the potential damage to the party's chances in the upcoming election.

According to a report in the New York Post, Speaker Pelosi threatened to trigger the 25th amendment and remove Biden from office if he did not comply with the demands of the party's elites, including Senator Chuck Schumer and former President Barack Obama. This revelation has ignited accusations of a "coup" within the Democratic Party, with many questioning the integrity of the primary process.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has been at the forefront of these accusations, calling out the hypocrisy of Democratic leaders who have long claimed to champion democracy and free and fair elections. Hannity argued that the millions of primary votes cast for Biden have been "flushed down the toilet," rendering them meaningless and disenfranchised.

"This is a blatant assault on the principles of our democracy," Hannity said. "The Democratic Party has shown that they are willing to sacrifice the will of the people in order to protect their own power and interests."

The allegations of a Democratic coup have been met with widespread skepticism and disbelief from many within the party, who have defended Biden's decision as a personal choice that should be respected. However, the lack of transparency surrounding the circumstances of Biden's withdrawal has fueled suspicions and raised questions about the true motives of the Democratic leadership.

Some analysts have suggested that the forced removal of Biden was a strategic move to clear the way for Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the party in 2024. Harris, who was Biden's running mate in the 2020 election, has faced criticism for her performance as Vice President but is widely viewed as the Democratic Party's future.

Others have argued that the Democratic establishment feared that Biden's age and declining health would make him an electoral liability in 2024. Biden would be 82 years old at the time of the election, making him the oldest president in American history.

Regardless of the motivations behind Biden's withdrawal, the Democratic Party is now facing a major challenge in rebuilding trust with voters amidst accusations of a coup and concerns about the integrity of its leadership. The party's future trajectory will depend on whether it can address these concerns and demonstrate a commitment to upholding democratic values.

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