Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

  • Joan Emmerich
  • August 21, 2024 11:03pm
  • 104

As the Democratic National Convention unfolds, the abortion industry's relentless push to normalize the killing of innocent children is on full display. Through free abortion vans, grotesque protests, and a celebration of anti-life ideologies, the DNC has embraced a dangerous and macabre path that defies human dignity.

As the Democratic National Convention (DNC) unfolds in Chicago, the true agenda of the abortion industry is on full display -- an agenda that seeks to convince people that pregnancy is a disease and that motherhood is a curse. These are lies, plain and simple. Motherhood and family are some of the most meaningful and beautiful experiences anyone can have, bringing joy and fulfillment.

But the DNC, backed by the abortion industry, has chosen a different path, one that celebrates the killing of innocent children as some twisted form of empowerment. Planned Parenthood has set up a mobile abortion facility right outside the convention hall, distributing drugs that destroy children from a van. The Planned Parenthood abortion van is horrifically distributing deadly abortion drugs as freely as a food truck serves tacos. Reportedly, at least 25 babies have been killed by abortion, so far, right outside the DNC.

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

This grotesque display is a sickening promotion that reveals the true nature of this death cult. And let's not mince words—this is a death cult, complete with its own rituals and mockery of life. Outside the DNC, protesters are dressed as abortion pills, chanting in unison, turning their love of death into a macabre spectacle. 

The act of ending a human life has been trivialized to the point of absurdity, packaged as some sort of liberation for women. But there is no freedom in killing your child—only slavery to an anti-life ideology that tells women that motherhood is something to be feared and avoided at all costs.

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

This is not the Democratic Party of "safe, legal, and rare" that even Hillary Clinton once touted. We’ve moved far beyond that, to a place where the DNC is now openly celebrating abortion as a positive good. 

The extremes they are willing to go to are shocking. They are exposing themselves for what they truly are—a group more concerned with advancing a radical pro-death agenda than with protecting the most vulnerable among us.

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

Democratic National Convention's Embrace of Abortion Extremism: A Death Cult Exposed

The lives of those 25 children who were aborted at the DNC have been extinguished. Their voices have been silenced. Do they not deserve to be mourned? Do they not deserve to live? 

This is not what Americans want. Most Americans desire strong families, meaningful lives, and the opportunity to thrive—not the cold, heartless killing that Planned Parenthood and their friends at the DNC are promoting. 

Planned Parenthood denies this reality, but there is a method that can possibly save a child’s life after the first abortion pill has been taken, called Abortion Pill Reversal. The abortion pill (chemical abortion) makes up over 60% of all abortions now, and everyone needs to know about the abortion pill reversal protocol and share it with mothers in need. 

It is the worst human rights crisis of our time that over 2,800 children are killed every single day by abortion in our nation alone. Our leaders should be working to protect kids, not making it ever easier to end their lives. 

When someone shows you who they are, believe them. The DNC has shown us its true colors, and it is up to us to reject this culture of death and protect every human life.

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