Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

  • Gennaro Nienow
  • September 19, 2024 02:03pm
  • 106

Evan Barker, a former Democratic fundraiser, pens an op-ed detailing her disillusionment with the party after attending the Democratic National Convention, accusing the party of elitism and losing touch with everyday Americans.

As a lifelong Democrat and former campaign operative, Evan Barker found herself grappling with a profound disillusionment after attending the Democratic National Convention last month. In a searing op-ed published in Newsweek, Barker recounts her journey from raising millions for the party to severing ties, citing the convention as the final straw that exposed the party's disconnection from the needs of ordinary Americans.

At the glamorous DNC, Barker describes feeling alienated amidst the "glitz and glam," witnessing an elite crowd chanting slogans that seemed out of touch with the pressing concerns of hardworking families. She recalls her roots in a blue-collar union family in Kansas City, far removed from the ostentatious wealth she has become accustomed to within Democratic politics.

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Barker's dissatisfaction, she emphasizes, has been building over time. The DNC, however, served as a tipping point, echoing the sentiments of her family members who have also left the party, feeling abandoned and disconnected. With each chant of "We're not going back," Barker felt a growing disconnect from the party that had once represented her values.

As a fundraising consultant for Democratic candidates, Barker gained firsthand experience in the art of courting high-profile donors and the subsequent influence they wield over policy decisions. She observes that while Democrats often decry the influence of money in politics from conservative figures like the Koch brothers, they grant a free pass to their own wealthy supporters, who exert considerable sway over party agendas.

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

According to Barker, the Democratic Party has abandoned its commitment to working-class communities, prioritizing the interests of the college-educated and affluent. She cites the $175 billion spent on the Ukraine war as a glaring example, arguing that rebuilding domestic communities should take precedence over foreign policy adventures.

Furthermore, Barker points to the endorsement of Dick Cheney by Vice President Kamala Harris as a disturbing sign of the party's embrace of Bush-era foreign policy. The embrace of war, she suggests, is a betrayal of the party's purported values.

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Barker concludes by lamenting the Democratic Party's loss of direction, accusing the party of condescension and elitism. Its focus on giveaways to the college-educated, such as student loan forgiveness, she argues, ignores the majority of Americans without a college degree.

"The Democratic Party has lost its way entirely," Barker writes. "They mostly speak to the college educated, the urban and affluent, in their language. Their tone is condescending and paternalistic."

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Democratic Operative Abandons Party, Citing DNC Disillusionment and Elitism

Her op-ed has sparked considerable debate within the Democratic Party, with some acknowledging the need for introspection while others dismiss her criticisms as unfounded. Regardless, Barker's departure underscores the growing divide within the party and the challenges it faces in regaining the support of those who feel left behind.

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