Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

  • Lucinda Larson
  • July 20, 2024 04:03am
  • 331

CNN commentator Van Jones claims Democrats narrowly escaped a political catastrophe after former President Trump's rambling and unfocused speech at the RNC.

In the wake of former President Trump's acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention, CNN commentator Van Jones has asserted that Democrats dodged a major political bullet. Jones argues that Trump's speech, characterized by incoherence, rambling, and lack of discipline, could have posed a significant threat to their campaign.

According to Jones, Trump's assassination attempt on Saturday had propelled him to a position of political ascendance and sympathy, giving him an opportunity to potentially cause problems for President Biden. However, Trump's speech on Thursday night squandered this advantage, returning the campaign to a more typical dynamic.

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

"If he had just stayed with that unity message, he might have caused some problems. He just could not help himself," Jones lamented.

The commentator pointed to the glaring contrast between the energy and discipline of the Republican National Convention and Trump's own performance. "He took what was the most energetic convention, and he was boring," Jones said. "He took the most disciplined convention, and he was undisciplined."

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

Jones highlighted specific moments in Trump's speech that he found particularly damaging, such as his departure from the teleprompter to engage in rambling attacks on Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and Hannibal Lecter. "That is not a new Trump," Jones asserted.

David Axelrod, another CNN commentator, echoed Jones' view, suggesting that Trump's speech had created a positive development for Democrats after weeks of disarray and growing calls to remove Biden from the 2024 ticket.

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

Democrats Dodge Bullet with Trump's Disastrous RNC Speech

Trump's communications director, Steven Cheung, dismissed Jones' comments as unsurprising, stating, "Of course Democrats would think about things in terms of 'bullets.'"

Jones' analysis suggests that Democrats may have narrowly escaped a significant threat to their campaign. However, it remains to be seen whether Trump's speech will have any lasting negative effects on his candidacy or galvanize his supporters.

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