Democrats in Disarray as Biden's Flaws Become Glaring

  • Janis Littel
  • July 11, 2024 06:04am
  • 299

Fox News host Laura Ingraham highlights the growing concerns within the Democratic Party regarding President Biden's age and cognitive abilities following a disastrous debate performance.

In the aftermath of President Biden's underwhelming debate performance, a chorus of voices from within the Democratic Party is calling for him to step aside and make way for a younger, more capable candidate to lead the party in 2024.

Fox News host Laura Ingraham, a vocal critic of the Biden administration, has been among the most outspoken in her assessment of the president's decline. On her program, "The Ingraham Angle," Ingraham argued that Biden's policies have been a disaster for the country, leading to rampant inflation, rising food and fuel costs, and a dwindling economy.

Democrats in Disarray as Biden's Flaws Become Glaring

Democrats in Disarray as Biden's Flaws Become Glaring

"Biden's policies are the problem," Ingraham asserted. "His debate was lousy, but the policies are the real problem here. Inflation, high food and fuel costs, less money in the pockets of working families, millions of illegals using up our resources, of course, and a never-ending war in Ukraine."

Ingraham's analysis aligns with the concerns raised by many Democratic strategists who believe that Biden's age and mental acuity are becoming increasingly apparent to voters. The president, who will turn 80 in November, has often stumbled over his words, appeared confused, and made gaffes that have raised doubts about his ability to effectively lead the country.

"George Clooney Urges Biden to Step Aside or He'll Lose, Says He's Clearly Declined," reads the headline of a recent article in the Washington Post. Clooney, a prominent Democratic supporter, expressed his concern that Biden's age and mental decline are putting the party's chances of holding the White House in jeopardy.

"I don't want to say this, but I'll say it anyway," Clooney said. "He's clearly declined. And it's not because of his age. I know people that are 80 years old who are as sharp as a tack. But Biden has just lost it. He's not mentally fit to be president anymore."

Clooney's comments have sparked a fierce debate within the Democratic Party. Some party leaders have defended Biden, arguing that his experience and commitment to public service make him the best choice to lead the party in 2024. Others, however, believe that the party needs to move on from Biden and find a younger, more energetic candidate who can energize the electorate.

"If the GOP can keep pressing ahead in all 50 states and make this election about who will do the best job for the American people, then they can win no matter who the Democrats nominate," Ingraham concluded.

As the 2024 presidential election draws closer, the Democratic Party faces a critical decision. Will they stick with an aging, increasingly vulnerable president, or will they embrace change and seek a new leader who can inspire the party and the country? The answer to this question could determine the outcome of the upcoming election.

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