Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

  • Moriah Quigley
  • June 28, 2024 05:03pm
  • 200

President Biden's recent performance in a presidential debate has sparked concern among Democrats, leading to speculation about the possibility of replacing him as their party's nominee for the 2024 election.

President Biden's performance in Thursday's presidential debate against former President Trump has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party, with many expressing concerns about his "extremely weak" showing. The debate quickly became a source of intense debate, with liberal media figures and Democratic strategists weighing in on Biden's performance.

Shortly after the debate's conclusion, rumors circulated that Democrats were considering replacing Biden as their nominee, with some speculating that the party might ask him to step aside. One well-connected Democratic source told Fox News that "everyone is freaking out" and that Biden "needs to go." However, the source emphasized that Biden would not be replaced unless he agreed to it himself.

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

Former Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill, a Democrat, voiced her concerns during an appearance on MSNBC after the debate, stating that Biden "failed" to demonstrate his ability to handle the challenges of the job at his age. She expressed her sadness over Biden's performance, noting that many viewers felt "terrible" for him.

CNN's chief national correspondent, John King, amplified the concerns, reporting that a "deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic" had gripped the Democratic Party. He stated that party strategists, elected officials, and fundraisers were discussing Biden's performance and considering what actions to take.

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

The conversations, according to King, focused on whether to approach Biden and ask him to step down or to publicly call for his withdrawal from the race due to his "terrible" performance.

MSNBC host Joy Reid weighed in on the matter, stating that she had received numerous messages from Democrats expressing concern about Biden's "extremely feeble" and "extremely weak" performance. She described those who contacted her as "Obama-world people" and "Democrats" who were worried about Biden's ability to lead effectively.

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

NBC's chief political analyst, Chuck Todd, added to the chorus of concern, revealing that he had been "talking to a lot of leaders in the Democratic Party" who were "panicking" about Biden's performance. Todd noted that there was widespread sentiment among Democrats that Biden should "step aside."

Despite the rumors of replacement chatter, California Gov. Gavin Newsom expressed confidence in Biden's position as the party's nominee. "I’m looking forward to voting for him in November," Newsom told reporters. "He's going to be our nominee."

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance

However, the debate has raised serious doubts among Democrats about Biden's ability to effectively lead the party and the nation in the upcoming election. The search for a potential replacement candidate has intensi

Democrats in 'Full Fledged Panic' Over Biden's 'Extremely Weak' Debate Performance
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