Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

  • Hershel Turcotte
  • June 25, 2024 10:05pm
  • 184

Pastor Corey Brooks, founder of Project H.O.O.D., accuses Democrats of focusing on DEI initiatives rather than addressing the reading proficiency crisis in schools, particularly in impoverished communities like Chicago's South Side.

In the heart of Chicago's South Side, where poverty and violence intertwine with a proud working-class spirit, Democrats reign supreme. Every elected official I encounter extends a handshake, their party affiliation a badge of support for "the good."

They proclaim their solidarity with the Black community, the marginalized, and the impoverished. Yet, amidst their rhetoric, a glaring hypocrisy emerges: the neglect of childhood literacy.

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

Reading, the cornerstone of education and opportunity, has been relegated to the periphery. As a pastor and community leader, I witness firsthand the devastating consequences of this failure. At Hyde Park Academy High School, just a stone's throw from the Obama Presidential Center, a staggering 98% of students graduate without mastering this fundamental skill.

The tragedy deepens when coupled with the fact that 82% of these students receive diplomas, despite their inability to read at grade level. It raises the question: What standards have we lowered to allow such a travesty?

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

The answer, I believe, is the Democrats' obsession with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs. Their focus on racial segregation and sensitivity training overshadows the urgent need to address the literacy crisis. They prioritize racial diversity over reading proficiency, a betrayal of our children's future.

Driven by this conviction, I severed ties with the Democratic Party over a decade ago. I faced backlash and threats, but it set me free from policies that offered empty promises while undermining our community's potential.

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

Democrats' Neglect of Literacy Is 'Criminal,' Says Chicago Pastor

Now, I am leading the construction of a massive Leadership and Economic Opportunity Center across from my church. Our primary mission will be to empower children with the gift of reading. We will extend this opportunity to parents as well, recognizing that literacy transcends individual students, enriching entire families.

The Democrats may continue to boast about their support for marginalized communities, but their neglect of literacy exposes a fundamental disconnect. Their preoccupation with DEI initiatives serves as a mere distraction from the true needs of our neighborhoods.

It is time to hold our elected officials accountable. Their inaction on literacy is not merely a failure but a crime against the future of our children. The Democrats must prioritize the fundamental building blocks of education, starting with the ability to read. Until they do, their claims of support for our community will ring hollow.

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