Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

  • Oswaldo Ruecker
  • August 30, 2024 03:04am
  • 180

A new Disney living community in Rancho Mirage, California, is facing opposition from some local residents who are concerned about pollution, overcrowding, and the displacement of wildlife. The community, called Cotino, is part of Disney's "Storyliving" initiative, which aims to bring a Disney experience into residents' everyday lives.

Disney's foray into residential communities has sparked controversy in the desert city of Rancho Mirage, where the company is constructing its first Storyliving community, Cotino. While Disney enthusiasts may welcome the opportunity to live in a Disney-themed neighborhood, some locals are expressing concerns about the project's potential impact on their community.

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Critics of Cotino point to the environmental implications of building a 24-acre lagoon in a drought-prone area. They argue that the excessive water usage is insensitive to the region's water conservation efforts. Additionally, residents are worried about the displacement of wildlife due to the loss of natural habitat.

"Critters are being pushed out," said local resident Bill Miller. "Birds, bees, butterflies, rabbits, lizards, roadrunners—none of these are considered when the landscaping goes in."

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Some residents are also concerned about the demographic shift that Cotino could bring to Rancho Mirage. The affluent city is known for its quiet and peaceful atmosphere, which some fear could be disrupted by the influx of new residents and tourists.

"Rancho Mirage is already one of the richest cities in Southern California, and this will only add to its wealth," said Indio resident Jim Thomas. "But where will the workers live? The housekeepers, landscapers, bartenders, and hospitality employees?"

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Despite the opposition, Cotino has its supporters who believe the community will enhance Rancho Mirage. They point to Disney's reputation for quality and attention to detail, arguing that Cotino will be a valuable addition to the city.

"It's Disney, so we know it's going to be done well," said Rancho Mirage resident Katherine Holt. "But will it be a part of the community or take over the community?"

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Disney's New Living Communities Raise Concerns Among Locals

Disney has announced plans for additional Storyliving communities throughout the country, including Asteria in North Carolina. However, the controversy surrounding Cotino is likely to raise questions about the potential impact of these communities on local environments and communities.

Cotino's construction is ongoing, with the first 300 homes expected to be completed in 2025. The development is expected to bring in new revenue for Rancho Mirage but also raise ongoing concerns about sustainability, overcrowding, and the preservation of the city's character.

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