Dr. Jordan Peterson's Scathing Critique of Pride Month

  • Dr. Tina Pagac Sr.
  • June 5, 2024 09:03pm
  • 239

Dr. Jordan Peterson, the renowned psychologist and outspoken critic of gender-affirming surgery, has expressed his disdain for the annual Pride Month celebrations. He believes that the event, which honors individuals under the LGBTQ umbrella, is a "celebration of sexuality" that is imposed on society and based on lies. Peterson argues that "pride" is a sin and that the "monsters" lurking on the edges of the movement are destroying the youthful gay community.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Scathing Critique of Pride Month

Dr. Jordan Peterson, a renowned psychologist and outspoken critic of gender-affirming surgery, has expressed his disdain for the annual Pride Month celebrations. He believes that the event, which honors individuals under the LGBTQ umbrella, is a "celebration of sexuality" that is imposed on society and based on lies.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Scathing Critique of Pride Month

Peterson told Fox News Digital, "You should be very careful what you name things, and 'pride' is not a virtue. Pretty much all of it's a lie, and it's a dangerous lie, and it's a lie with real monsters hovering on the edges."

Peterson argues that "pride" is a cardinal sin because it signifies a stubborn refusal to change when evidence of error is accruing. He believes that the LGBTQ movement is based on a false premise of identity based on sexual desire and that it is exploiting young people who are more likely to be homosexual.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Scathing Critique of Pride Month

He said, "The transgender affirming butchers and liars are differentially destroying the youthful gay community. And that's not a community by any stretch of the imagination."

Peterson evoked the "fence" theory of conservative philosopher G. K. Chesterton, arguing that the Pride movement has torn down fences that were necessary to keep out dangerous elements. "There's plenty of monsters coming out to play now," he said, referring to the rise of gender-affirming surgery and other extreme practices within the transgender community.

Dr. Jordan Peterson's Scathing Critique of Pride Month

He believes that the extreme members of the LGBTQ community are pushing the boundaries too far and that it will ultimately lead to the loss of the support they have gained. "Keep pushing. Keep pushing. You're going to lose everything you've gained. And I'm not celebrating that at all," Peterson said.

Peterson's views align with a recent survey conducted by the Public Religion Research Institute, which found that support for same-sex marriage among Americans has declined in the past year. He believes that this trend will continue if the LGBTQ community does not tone down its rhetoric and practices.

However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has expressed support for gender-affirming care, stating on its website that it recommends "providing youth with access to comprehensive gender-affirming and developmentally appropriate health care."

Peterson's controversial opinions have sparked debate and criticism, but it is clear that he is deeply concerned about the direction of the LGBTQ movement and its potential impact on society.

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