Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

  • Joelle Pfeffer
  • July 10, 2024 02:04am
  • 263

An explosive report has revealed that Duke Medical School is teaching critical race theory principles that prioritize race over punctuality, dress code, and other professional norms. This alarming development raises concerns about the future of medical education and patient care.

Duke Medical School, a prestigious institution renowned for its academic excellence, has come under fire for its recently unveiled strategic plan titled "Dismantling Racism and Advancing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Medicine." This 2021 plan includes a controversial section that labels "White supremacy culture" certain professional standards, including punctuality.

The plan defines "White supremacy culture" as the belief that white people and their ideas are superior to those of people of color. It further claims that this culture is embedded in American society, perpetuating systemic racism and discrimination.

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Alarmingly, the plan identifies "being on time" as a characteristic of "White supremacy culture." It argues that such standards disadvantage non-white professionals and create a hostile work environment.

The plan's author, Dr. Mary E. Klotman, the Dean of Duke Medical School, has praised the document for reflecting the school's commitment to diversity and inclusion. However, critics argue that the plan's assumptions are flawed and that it undermines the foundations of medical professionalism.

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Central to the plan is the concept of critical race theory (CRT), which posits that race is a social construct that has been used to justify systemic oppression of people of color. CRT scholars maintain that racism is embedded in American law, culture, and economics, benefiting white people at the expense of others.

The plan's embrace of CRT has raised eyebrows among medical professionals who believe that it promotes racial division and undermines objectivity. They argue that medical care should be based on merit and patient need, not on racial identity.

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

The plan's recommendation to create "pipelines" for recruitment at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and community colleges has also been met with criticism. Critics argue that such measures are discriminatory and create preferential treatment based on race.

Furthermore, the plan's definition of "white fragility" as discomfort experienced by white people when discussing racial inequality is viewed by many as an attempt to silence legitimate concerns and dismiss evidence-based research on racial disparities.

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

Duke Medical School's Shocking Plan: Dismantling Racism by Dismantling Timeliness

The plan's focus on "allies" to the cause of antiracism, defined as individuals who recognize their privilege and commit to working with oppressed groups, has also been met with skepticism. Critics argue that it creates a binary division between oppressors and victims, fostering a climate of resentment and mistrust.

The plan's overall message that America is systemically racist and that individuals should be placed in oppressed v. oppressor categories has raised concerns about the future of medical education and patient care. Critics fear that it will undermine the objectivity and impartiality that are essential to providing quality healthcare.

Duke Medical School's plan is a stark example of how critical race theory is being used to dismantle traditional values and norms in American institutions. It raises serious questions about the future of medicine and the principles that should guide medical education and patient care.

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