Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

  • Maritza Miller
  • June 28, 2024 02:03pm
  • 400

Actress Emma Roberts shares her insights on nepotism in the entertainment industry, highlighting the double standards she believes exist based on gender. Roberts, born into a famous family, discusses the challenges and preconceptions she has faced, while also questioning why male celebrities with family connections do not receive the same level of criticism.

In a recent interview on Bruce Bozzi's podcast "Table for Two," actress Emma Roberts opened up about her experiences as a "nepo baby" in Hollywood. Roberts, who is the daughter of actor Eric Roberts and niece of Academy Award-winning actress Julia Roberts, spoke about the preconceived notions and challenges she has faced due to her family connections.

Roberts acknowledges the advantages that come with having a famous family, such as easier access to auditions and industry connections. However, she also stresses the pressure to prove oneself and the misconception that her success has been handed to her on a silver platter.

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

"I think there's two sides of the coin, you know. People like to say, 'You have a leg up because you have family in the industry,' but then the other side to that is, you know, you have to prove yourself more," Roberts explained.

Roberts also questioned the gender bias she believes exists in the nepotism conversation. She points out that male celebrities with famous parents, such as Kiefer Sutherland, Ben Stiller, and Michael Douglas, do not seem to face the same level of scrutiny as female celebrities.

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

"I always joke, I'm like, ‘Why is no one calling out George Clooney for being a nepo baby? [His aunt] Rosemary Clooney was an icon,'" Roberts said. "I'm just kidding, but I feel like also, the point is that young girls, I feel like, get it harder with the … nepo baby thing."

Roberts suggests that the media's focus on female celebrities' family connections may be rooted in sexism. She believes that society has different expectations for women and men in the entertainment industry, and that women are often held to a higher standard.

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

"I don’t really see people calling out, you know, sons of famous actors, not that they should be called out. I don't think anyone should be called out for wanting to follow their dream," Roberts said.

While Roberts recognizes the advantages she has had in her career, she also emphasizes the importance of recognizing the struggles and rejections that all actors face. She believes that the public often only sees the successes, without understanding the hard work and setbacks that go into building a career.

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Despite the challenges, Roberts remains determined to carve her own path and avoid becoming solely defined by her family's fame. She has never aspired to reach the same level of celebrity as her aunt Julia, but rather to achieve success on her own terms.

"In my later teens, I was like, I never want my fame to outweigh my work. Because there’s nothing scarier to me than being so famous that you’re never left alone, but also you’re not getting good jobs," Roberts said.

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias

Emma Roberts Raises Concerns About Nepotism in Hollywood, Questions Gender Bias
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