Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

  • Davin McDermott
  • June 22, 2024 11:03pm
  • 353

The recent European Parliament elections have sent shockwaves across the continent, revealing a dramatic swing to the right. Right-wing parties have made significant gains, raising concerns about their influence on future policy decisions and the direction of Europe as a whole.

The European Parliament elections, held from June 6 to 9, saw a shift in the balance of power within the 720-member assembly. While Ursula von der Leyen's center-right European People's Party (EPP) Group maintained its majority with 189 seats, there was a notable surge in support for right-wing parties across Europe.

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

The European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) became the third-largest European party, gaining 21 seats. France's Rassemblement National (NA) party secured 30 seats, giving right-wing parties a prominent presence in the parliament. Meanwhile, the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D), the liberal Renew Europe, Independent and Democracy (ID), and Greens/European Free Alliance (EFA) each lost ground, with the Greens and Liberals facing particularly significant losses.

Analysts attribute the rise of right-wing parties to a convergence of factors, including concerns about immigration, healthcare, housing, and the ongoing cost of living crisis. The issue of support for Ukraine also played a role, with the war prompting Finland and Sweden to break with neutrality and join the European Union.

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

The ECR, a Eurosceptic party affiliated with right-wing parties in Italy, made strong gains across Europe. It benefited from the success of parties such as Germany's Alternative for Germany (AfD) and the Netherlands' Party for Freedom (PVV), which entered the European Parliament for the first time. The ECR's success gives the right a significant bargaining chip in future discussions.

The election results varied widely across countries, reflecting the complex political landscapes in each member state. In Germany, EPP emerged as the winner, while in France, ID gained ground over S&D and President Emmanuel Macron's Renew party. Italy witnessed a strong showing for ECR, with S&D a close runner-up.

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Left-wing politicians have expressed concern that the ECR's success will give the right a stronger voice in policy debates. The EPP, which remains the largest group, will likely engage with ECR to pass legislation. However, ECR's constructive approach may allow for compromises between the left and right.

One of the most prominent figures in the rising right is Jordan Bardella, the president of National Rally in France. Bardella is poised to become prime minister should his party win the upcoming elections. He has attempted to moderate his party's stance, expressing support for NATO.

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, a member of Germany's Christian Democratic Union, faces the challenge of balancing the demands of both ends of the political spectrum to ensure stability and progress.

Despite the gains by the right, analysts believe that the pro-European majority in the parliament will prevent any radical shifts in policy. Renew MEP Sandro Gozi expressed confidence in the ability of the left-wing parties to maintain their influence.

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

Europe's Tectonic Shift: The Rise of the Right in the European Parliament Elections

The European Parliament elections have highlighted the growing popularity of right-wing parties and the challenges facing Europe's political establishment. The rise of the right will likely shape policy debates and influence the direction of Europe for years to come.

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