Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

  • Tyra Howell
  • May 10, 2024 07:01am
  • 331

A video analysis by seasoned experts has uncovered compelling evidence supporting the claim of a family in Las Vegas who reported witnessing non-human entities in their backyard, bringing renewed attention to the enigmatic incident that unfolded in April 2023.

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

The events in Las Vegas last year involving a purported UFO crash and sightings of enigmatic creatures have captivated the attention of the public, sparking speculation and debate. However, a recent video analysis by an experienced crime scene recreation expert has provided a significant boost to the credibility of the family's claims.

Scott Roder, of Evidence Room Animation and Exhibits, utilized his expertise and motion tracking software to meticulously scrutinize the footage captured by responding officers. His initial attempts to debunk the video were met with unexpected results.

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

"All of our results came back as authentic," Roder stated. "There's no editing. That is an original video."

The video analysis revealed the presence of two distinct beings moving cautiously within the family's backyard. Roder explained how he "attach(ed) (motion) to a figure in the background to show that the movement of the shadow reflects the movement of a body that is attached to the head."

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

He emphasized, "We don’t believe it’s a floating head. We believe it’s attached to a body. And the motion of that head from right to left is consistent with the motion that we see between the slats of the fence."

The family's initial report, made through a 911 call, described a "tall, skinny alien creature with greenish color," approximately 8 to 10 feet tall. They recounted how the creature hid behind a forklift in their backyard.

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

One of the eyewitnesses, Angel Kenmore, vividly recalled the encounter: "I looked at it in the eyes, and my body just froze like having sleep paralysis. He had a weird-looking face, big feet and big shiny eyes and a big mouth. I can hear its loud, deep breathing and its stomach kept moving."

Roder's analysis corroborates Kenmore's account by providing visual evidence of the non-human creatures. The motion-tracking software confirmed the presence of two moving entities that exhibited characteristics inconsistent with human gait or behavior.

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

Despite the compelling video evidence, the incident remains fiercely debated. Some skeptics argue that the creatures are merely shadows or a hoax, while others maintain that the video offers genuine proof of extraterrestrial presence.

Ben Hansen, host of "UFO Witness," expressed skepticism towards the authenticity of the video, suggesting that the "creature" is simply a shadow. However, Roder dismissed this notion, arguing that replicating the shadow's movements would be straightforward if it were true.

Experts Analyze Video, Confirm Presence of Non-Human Creatures in Mysterious Las Vegas Incident

George Knapp, a renowned reporter covering UFO-related stories, has also lent credence to the family's account. He emphasized, "Metro police took it seriously. The officers who respond to the 911 call interviewed the three witnesses and found them to be sober and credible."

In the aftermath of the incident, Las Vegas police maintained surveillance around the family's residence due to their expressed fear for their safety. The enigmatic events continue to raise questions and fuel speculation regarding the nature of life beyond Earth and the possibility of extraterrestrial contact.

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