Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

  • Prof. Wilmer Schmidt
  • June 24, 2024 01:03am
  • 254

Some experts are questioning the veracity of dire warnings of mass starvation and famine in northern Gaza, citing recent increases in food availability that have not been widely reported.

Amid the bleak warnings of impending starvation and famine in northern Gaza, some experts are raising eyebrows, pointing to evidence that the situation may not be as dire as initially painted.

The Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) Famine Review Committee (FRC) had issued an ominous report in March, declaring that famine was "imminent" in the region. But subsequent assessments by the Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET) and the FRC itself have presented conflicting pictures.

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

FEWS NET initially estimated that northern Gaza was facing severe food insecurity, with caloric availability meeting only 59-63% of needs in April. However, the FRC later contradicted these findings, arguing that the actual caloric availability was closer to 75-109%, and even higher if commercial and private sector food deliveries were included.

Experts, such as David Adesnik, senior fellow and director of research for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, have pointed out that FEWS NET's original assessment excluded calories obtained from World Food Program (WFP) bread and commercial food sources. The FRC's findings suggest that Israel has facilitated a significant increase in food shipments to the region, undermining the claims of imminent famine.

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

"While hunger persists in northern Gaza and there is a deep need for humanitarian assistance, the stark differences between FEWS NET and FRC's assessments underscore the subjectivity inherent in famine assessments, along with the potential for politicization," Adesnik emphasized.

He further noted that the International Criminal Court (ICC) had used the lack of humanitarian aid reaching Gazans as a justification for issuing arrest warrants against Israeli officials for alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity. Adesnik dismissed these charges as "laughable" in light of the FRC's findings.

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Other organizations, such as the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the WFP, have maintained their dire predictions, forecasting widespread starvation in Gaza by mid-July. However, the FAO has indicated that it will await the release of the FRC's updated report before revising its assessment.

Despite the increased aid entering Gaza, cigarette smuggling has emerged as a major obstacle, with attacks on convoys suspected of carrying cigarettes leading the U.N. to suspend aid pickups. The Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) has reported that over 1,000 trucks and hundreds of aid pallets remain uncollected and undistributed due to the smuggling issue.

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

The WFP's country director for the Palestinians, Matthew Hollingworth, has acknowledged increased food availability in northern Gaza but emphasized the need for more diversified assistance to address broader health, water, and sanitation concerns.

As various entities continue to assess the situation in Gaza, the FRC's findings challenge the dire predictions of impending famine. Experts argue that the subjectivity of food insecurity assessments and the potential for political exploitation should be taken into account.

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say

Famine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts SayFamine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts SayFamine Predictions for Gaza Prove Exaggerated, Experts Say
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