Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

  • Kennedy Gusikowski PhD
  • May 24, 2024 09:04pm
  • 365

Despite attracting a large crowd, the former president's campaign stop in the deep-blue Bronx draws criticism from New York Democrats and MSNBC commentators, who question the authenticity of the attendees and dismiss the event as a publicity stunt.

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

Former President Donald Trump's campaign rally in the historically Democratic stronghold of the South Bronx on Thursday drew a surprisingly large crowd, prompting a flurry of criticism from New York Democrats and far-left media figures.

Progressive Democrats and MSNBC commentators attempted to discredit the rally before and after it occurred as a contrived stunt designed to win over minority voters.

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

New York Governor Kathy Hochul downplayed the rally as "made-up" and "fake," calling Trump supporters "clowns."

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez dismissed the Trump rally as a stunt to raise legal funds, accusing him of bussing in supporters from outside states to "trick" her constituents.

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

Over on MSNBC, hosts Alex Wagner and Joy Reid also tried to downplay the rally on their Thursday night shows. Wagner called it a "fakey campaign stop" and invited a progressive guest to weigh in on Trump's attempt to woo Black voters.

Former MSNBC political analyst Charles Blow agreed that Trump would never win New York and said rally attendees weren't really from the Bronx.

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

The sour grapes attitude was also evident on social media posts by some New York Democrats.

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries claimed the Boston Red Sox are more popular than Trump in the South Bronx, while Rep. Ritchie Torres argued the rally was full of "transplants."

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

Despite the disparaging remarks, Trump drew a diverse crowd of thousands to the event, with attendees traveling from as far as Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Connecticut.

During the rally, Trump vowed to bring back safety and better schools to the Big Apple, declaring, "We are going to turn New York City around, and we are going to turn it around very, very quickly."

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

Trump's decision to campaign in the deep blue area is a bold move, as no Republican presidential candidate has actively campaigned for the general election in New York City in decades.

His support in the Bronx has edged up slightly since 2016, and current polls suggest he is making more gains with Black and Hispanic voters.

Far-Left Democrats, Media Attack Trump Rally in Bronx as 'Fake'

Whether Trump can pull off an upset in the Empire State remains to be seen, but his Bronx rally has demonstrated his ability to connect with voters in unexpected places.

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