Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

  • Justus O'Conner MD
  • June 30, 2024 09:03pm
  • 351

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, defended President Biden's age on Sunday, saying that "you really can't generalize" about whether an individual is fit to run for office based on their age. Fauci's comments come after Biden's much-criticized debate performance against former President Trump, which led some to question the president's fitness for office.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, defended President Biden's age on Sunday, saying that "you really can't generalize" about whether an individual is fit to run for office based on their age. Fauci's comments come after Biden's much-criticized debate performance against former President Trump, which led some to question the president's fitness for office.

Fauci, who appeared on ABC's "This Week," was asked about whether Biden, who is 81 years old, should be running for re-election.

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

"You know, I think it's just an individual choice, and you really can't generalize," Fauci said.

Fauci, who helped lead the nation’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, said one must look at each person as an individual and evaluate "how they feel, what they feel they can do."

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

"You know, what their passion is, what their energy is," Fauci said. "Those are the kind of things."

When asked if he was surprised by anything he saw during Thursday’s presidential debate, Fauci said he did not want to comment on anything that "would have political implications."

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

He added that what he felt comfortable speaking about were his "very positive" dealings with Biden during their time working together.

"He asks probing questions. He's right on point on things," Fauci said of Biden, without going into detail on specific instances. "So my personal experience has been quite positive with him."

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

Fauci Defends Biden's Age, Cites Personal Experience in Response to Debate Criticism

With a raspy voice and delivering rambling answers, Biden struggled during portions of Thursday night's debate. He also lost his train of thought several times, raising concerns among some Democrats and in the media.

In the wake of the debate, both The New York Times and Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial boards have called on Biden to step down as the Democratic nominee.

The Democratic National Committee, however, has said it will continue to support Biden as the nominee.

Fauci's comments on Biden's age come as the president faces increasing scrutiny over his mental fitness for office. In addition to his debate performance, Biden has also been criticized for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan.

Some Democrats have privately expressed concerns about Biden's age and ability to handle the demands of the presidency. However, Biden has vowed to run for re-election in 2024 and has said that he is "in good health."

It remains to be seen whether Biden's age will be a factor in the 2024 presidential election. However, Fauci's comments suggest that he believes Biden is fit to serve as president.

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