FBI and Media Silence on Anti-American Activism Sparks Outrage

  • Madge Stokes
  • May 3, 2024 10:00am
  • 309

Fox News host Jesse Watters slams the FBI and the media for failing to expose and hold accountable anti-American activists who are exploiting the current wave of protests to incite violence and promote radical ideologies.

FBI and Media Silence on Anti-American Activism Sparks Outrage

Fox News host Jesse Watters has denounced the silence of the FBI and the media on anti-American activism, asserting that these entities are failing to protect the nation from dangerous threats.

During his show, "Jesse Watters Primetime," Watters highlighted the stark contrast between the media's coverage of the George Floyd riots and the anti-Israel protests. While the former was met with widespread condemnation, the latter has been largely ignored.

FBI and Media Silence on Anti-American Activism Sparks Outrage

"Why isn't the FBI and media unmasking these traitors?" Watters demanded. "The Iranians are offering scholarships now to American protesters. A terrorist state wants to sponsor these little Johnny Jihads who swear allegiance to Hamas on the quad."

Watters pointed out the disturbing involvement of Bill Ayers, a former Weather Underground domestic terrorist, who is now inspiring students at the University of Chicago with tales of past revolutions.

"And he's a professor at the school there," Watters said. "No wonder it's out of control."

The host also noted the selective treatment of protesters. He recalled the intense media scrutiny faced by Nick Sandmann, a high school student who wore a MAGA hat at the Lincoln Memorial. In contrast, a man spotted on the Stanford University campus wearing a Hamas headband received no attention.

"Nick Sandmann wore a MAGA hat and the media wrote 100,000 words about him," Watters said. "This guy with a Hamas headband flies right under the radar."

Watters attributed the lack of accountability to a justice system that has prioritized prosecuting Republicans over violent protesters.

"You can smack an old lady's head off and walk out with no bail," Watters said. "No one's worried about going to jail for a protest."

The Fox News host argued that the current wave of anti-American activism is fueled by a belief that "mob rule" will prevail.

"During the George Floyd riots, America saw four months of mayhem," Watters recalled. "Thousands of cops injured, two dozen dead, $2 billion in damage, almost no one went to prison, mob rule won."

"Four years later, they have the same expectations," he added. "Biden can say 'don't' all he wants, our enemies won't listen to him. Why would our citizens?"

Watters urged the FBI and the media to take immediate action to expose and hold accountable those who are undermining the nation's security and promoting violent ideologies.

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